^ lol This is why you DL using bittorrent cause of the friggin' high prices they get away with, they're bigger ripoffs than microsoft. Photoshop for you $700, Photoshop for me free
I just checked. I have PS CS2, and I haven't the friggin' foggiest idea what that means or how to use it. What I do know is that some of the graphics I use for presentations come out pretty darn impressive. If I could have horked the program off the internet for free, I may not have done it anyway. Businesses and copyright violations - dangerous things. I have a handful of horror stories that have taught me how paying $700 might just be saving me several thousands. One funny thing that I just don't get. After buying the thing, she told me she wanted to download a font and it was going to cost me $15 - or some such thing. My jaw dropped that I would have to PAY for fonts (I guess it only comes with 20 or so?). I asked her to look into downloading an entire package of fonts so we wouldn't have to do it twice. The %$#king font package cost over $10,000??!!! Obviously, I didn't buy the thing. It's only something we use ever few weeks. What is it with this friggin' program?!!
Couldn't you just use a different font or use free fonts? What was the significance of this font that you had to pay for it? Was it what they used to type the Dead Sea Scrolls?
I never asked - until today. I'm told that the style of ampersand (&) she needed to match was a specialized adobe font. Make sense?
I'll sell you a bootleg copy for $700. Plus, I'll throw in some kind of fancy-shmancy font for the low low price of $15.00 - taxes and handling charges not included.