After Polian bullied a Jets employee recently, the Patriots asked the NFL to protect their employees from the bully.
That is pretty funny, sort of like the so called "tampering" charges against the Jets right before we played....
Guys c'mon, this is hilarious. Polian is the biggest douche in the league. Year after year, all he does is complain, and the so-called dream team he created, fails each time. Once even at your own hands. It's pure comedy. If you don't see the humor in this, even after he bullied a member of your organization, then you're nuts. This is pure comedy. It's ok to laugh, even with a divisional rival, at the wussiest team in the NFL, who simply are a bunch of cry babies. :up:
Anyone remember before the 02 Wildcard game when Marvin Harrison pushed one of the Jets ball boys? That was pushed under the rug pretty quickly too
Yeah, exactly. Back when the Colts were in the AFC East I hated them more than the Patriots. The dislike is still there and Bill Polian is at the top of the list of NFL douchebags.