Wow! He's fallen fast! He's the worse QB in the league, he's thrown more incompletions and more interceptions than any other QB. He's averaging a pick-6 per game! Hard to believe!!!
We’ve probably had 12 games with stat lines like that in the past 12 years from our QB’s so I doubt it.
Well let's see what happens when Rodgers had that stat line. P.S. Wilson has a better passer rating against the Lions and the Bills last year. Just sayin'
I promise you if Aaron Rodgers has a similar stat line to Patrick Mahomes and its in a loss where the same receiver was responsible for causing a pick six and blowing an almost guaranteed game-winning drive, Aaron Rodgers will handle it a whole lot differently than Patrick Mahomes did. For better or worse.
Patrick performance aside, the KC OT should have gotten ten penalties for pulling back before the snap. He cheated the whole game.
Yeah that “great” Lions loss he led us to was sandwiched in between his brilliant 9/22 for 77 against the Pats and 9/18 for 92 against the Jags.
First and foremost, I can't argue with anyone without the real possibility of getting a ban. Second, I understand what you are saying but it doesn't really address my initial post. Like I said, wait until Rodgers has that stat line in a loss and see what the mood is in here. I can guarantee you it will be dire.
Nah it won’t be. That’s just the way you see it through your lens of everyone who doesn’t think we’re going to be 13-4 is a darksider doom and gloom. The reality is that the franchise has been absolute trash for a decade+. Don’t we own the longest playoff draught in pro sports now? Everyone saying your perception of negative things over the past several years since you started posting heavily has been relatively valid.
I honestly don't even know what you are talking about. Show me where I ever said this team was going to be great. I said I expect them to make the playoffs. If that makes me a Sunnysider than shoot me now.
i know some are being sarcastic here but in reality anyone who watched the game knows mahomes balled his ass off and the stat line doens't show it. toney and moore were hot garbage who combined for like 1 yard and 8 drops (not even exaggerating) if they were even decent WRs mahomes would have had 4 TDs and won easily. the lions won by 1 in a game where toney and moore spotted them about 21 points
In the Lions defense, Mahomes had the advantage of Hutch being neutralized by a tackle that got away with penalties all game.
Yes we do. But check this out...Remember 1998...playoffs, AFCCG against the Broncs...ya, a LONG time ago. So go back even further, 1991. That was the year of Detroit's LAST PO win. 32 years ago! Lions haven't won a PO game in 32 So our PO drought sucks, but not as bad as Detroit's PO Win drought. But this may be their year...would love for them to knock the Giants out.