OMG Aaron Maybin has been working out with Laron Landry & Micheal Phelps

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by soxxx, Jun 30, 2012.

  1. Dierking

    Dierking Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    Maybin's a nice fit with the Jets defense. Very fast, great motor, never quits until the whistle. With a very good secondary, he's going to get a lot of coverage sacks.

    Without a very good secondary, he's playing for the Bills.
  2. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    Spare us your horse shit. You guys are embarrassing the way you come out of the woodwork whenever Maybin is mentioned to try and talk him down. You're like a jealous spurned lover who wants nothing more than to get back with their ex but can't so they mask it with hate.

    He's your reality, he sucked on the Bills and they couldn't coach him up enough to get a single sack out of him. He came to the Jets and led the team in sacks with limited snaps putting up one of the best snap/sack ratios in the league. The Jets coached him up to the point where he was successfully executing a handful of pass rushing moves that complemented each other and made him a dangerous weapon.

    Even if we only get 6 sacks out of him this year, which is probably a low target for him if healthy, he's a nice situational player for us that we got for free. No draft pick, no players, nothing. If his metabolism slows down some, he sticks with a good nutritionist and can keep the weight on maybe he can become a 3 down player for us and become a big time threat. No risk for the Jets, high reward possible.

    Thanks again to the Bills for blowing a first round pick on a guy and allow us to scoop him up two years later. It's nice to have one of the worst franchises in the league in your division.
  3. Barcs

    Barcs Banned

    Nov 15, 2011
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    But it does mean you think they are cheating. As soon as I saw the thread title I knew it wouldn't take long for that.

    That is the equivalent of a sunshiner flipping Wilkerson's car accident to be a positive.
  4. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    Not really. I never even said it was a negative - I think that a large portion of the league juices and they have ways of beating piss tests. Doesn't matter to me. I think Maybin is a positive player for us and will only be better this year.

    Your sunshiner crusade is lame.
  5. Drew

    Drew Active Member

    Nov 6, 2004
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    lmao dead.

    GMCJETS New Member

    Feb 8, 2012
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    Maybin has a chance to resurrect his career and silence all the doubters this season.
  7. Bills over Jets

    Bills over Jets Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2012
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    Come out of the woodwork for Maybin? I post here every day, on numerous topics. What are you talking about?

    What does any Bills fan have to be jealous about? Maybin is a pass rush specialist for you. He wouldn't make the Bills roster. We have 4 pass rushers at minimum who are better than Maybin.

    You act as if I'm putting Maybin down or that I post in topics to do so. In reality, im just being honest. A Jet fan who has such high and ridiculous expectations that they discuss how big of contract the guy is going to demand a year from now, before the season has even began and he's even produced 1 sack, is the epitome of what I'm talking about. I came here to say, woah... hold your horses. Do you really see that as "talking him down" instead of "reality?" I feel sorry for you if you do.

    If you've followed my posts about Maybin, which I know you have, you would know that I would not argue against any of that. Maybin is a guy too weak to be an every down player, but he comes on the field in rush situations only and it works for the Jets. Maybin has a role on this team. What I will not say, is that he is all of a sudden going to be an every down player and a super star. That is where I draw the line, and that is not "tearing him down" at all.

    It is hysterical how ignorant Jets fans are about their own franchise that you actually think the Jets are one of the best. You can say whatever you want about the Bills, call them a terrible franchise, an average franchise, or a good franchise. I have no problem with that. What you do not realize is that wherever you think the Bills are, the Jets are about a notch below. The Bills have accomplished much more than the Jets as a franchise as a whole, and there really is no disputing that.

    So if we're one of the worst franchises in the league, then you're right there with us.
    #67 Bills over Jets, Jul 1, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2012
  8. ILL-AL

    ILL-AL Active Member

    Sep 26, 2002
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    Remind me the last time you guys even made the playoffs? At all in the last decade? I think NOT. Thats what makes you guys one of the worst frachises in the league. SMH
  9. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    I'm talking about recent history, not what happened in a previous century. The Bills have been one of the worst franchises in the league in the 21st century. On the other hand, the Jets have been a little better than middle of the pack during this century.

    So no, we're not right there with the Bills, we're head an shoulders above them in recent history.
  10. MikeJetsWord

    MikeJetsWord New Member

    Apr 29, 2012
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    I am definitely encouraged.. Just gotta hope those aren't going to slow him down. I expect him to be a beast for this team next season.
  11. Donttasemebro

    Donttasemebro Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2008
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  12. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    i have to agree with boj here, i saw his posts in this thread as simply saying calm down, the guy hasnt done anything yet. and i agree that many seem to have really gone bonkers about how great this guy will be.

    he may be great but when you talk crazy before he has produced anything someone will usually tell you that your a moron.

    neither one of these franchises has had a terribly wonderful history, however as much as it pains me to say it the bills were dominant in the afc for quite a few years in a row and won the east division for what? 6 out of 8 years in the 80s into 90s. they also have 10 division titles to our 4 and we havent won the division since 2002.
  13. Axel3419

    Axel3419 Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2011
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    Let's be honest, here.

    The Jets have only won 1 Superbowl...40-some years ago. That sucks, and I can admit it.

    However, the Bills LOST 4 Superbowls... in a row. How many times have they won a Superbowl? Zero. Nothing beats that.

    The Bills franchise will always be a notch below the Jets.
    #73 Axel3419, Jul 1, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2012
  14. coloradojet

    coloradojet Active Member

    Oct 5, 2003
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    I have to disagree with that. Four consecutive super bowl appearances compared to one super bowl win and four AFC championships appearances for the Jets.
  15. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    I guess you missed the part about THIS CENTURY which was basically the entire premise of the post you quoted.
  16. Dom

    Dom Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2012
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    why cant you guys just admire that hes trying hard lol
  17. Ozymandias

    Ozymandias Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2010
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  18. rohirrim665

    rohirrim665 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2008
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    I was talking to someone today who made the point that, these guys (nfl players in general, especially ones bulking up) are taking stuff that isnt illegal NOW, but will be in a few years or so. There is so much stuff out there. It's really a fine line. Im using this to address the whole league not just Maybin. Think back to Calvin Pace, he was taking something and probably didn't realize it was illegal, and may have just been cited as a banned substance, but wasn't always.
  19. laxin

    laxin Active Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    Well your “reality” (or at least most Bills fans' reality) is him being 225 by the end of training camp and completely ignoring the fact that he didnt even know the playbook last year, was with the team for about 2 weeks, then cut and resigned again only to be thrown into the fire immediately... And oh yeah, he doesnt have pneumonia- something that is frequently overlooked.

    You are on a Jets forum, so yeah, we are going to hope for the best sometimes (which may in this case be a few more sacks, maybe 10, and keeping on some weight to not be complete garbage vs the run). I honestly dont know what is so outlandish about any of that. Im sure there’s plenty of talk about the Bill’s taking over the AFCE on your forums, which is more farfetched than Aaron Maybin getting 10 sacks.

    I mean Andre Carter, Mark Anderson, Connor Barwin and Antwan Barnes all had over 10 sacks, so I dont think its that out of question.
    #79 laxin, Jul 1, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2012
  20. ace_o_spades

    ace_o_spades New Member

    Apr 26, 2008
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    Why do you care so much?

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