Actually, I feel bad for posting that. They did a spot on this guy on the local news a few weeks back because he died of a stroke, seems like he was a really nice guy that had a lot of fun at those events. I just couldn't help myself, he was the first thing that came to mind with Comic Cons.
I'm going! 3-day pass...although it is completely unnecessary to go all 3 days...I am just going to waste my time around booths and see if I can at all attend a major hall event. Although it does get sweaty and smelly there...Some people gotta shower but just dont bro
Yeah I usually only go two days but my GF loves the place and got all three days. Only bad part is im going to hear the game through my phone, if I get signal!
I don't have a table, I just bought the vendor pass off of a dealer I know. I will be buying and getting books signed. I also have a ton of stuff to drop off for CGC grading. Most of the selling will happen when I get the books back from CGC.
My nephew and his wife go every year, they go to a paintball tourney and the comic-con event. Make a vacation out of it. They don't dress up though.