No more Tight Ends please

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by rscherwin, Apr 21, 2006.

  1. rscherwin

    rscherwin Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2003
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    I don't care about Vernon Davis' potential. No more TE's in the first round. Haven't we had our share of 1st round TE's in the past 13 years - Johnnie Mitchell, Kyle Brady and Anthony Becht??? Not to mention Doug Jolley who equated to a 1st rounder.

    Chris Baker is just fine.

    I want the Brick!!!!!!!
  2. Twombles

    Twombles Active Member

    Nov 6, 2005
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    Thankyou ....but when people call him D Brick or D'Brick thats cause his names D'Brickshaw lol its not like a nickname. But anyway the forums always going to be filled with people whos ideas contradict your own but we all have to put up with it. Also people are about to post back with 'Doug Jolley was not traded for a first rounder blah blah blah'
  3. parafly

    parafly New Member

    Feb 1, 2006
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    I agree about not taking a TE, but I have to point out one thing. Doug Jolley did not equate to a first rounder. We traded down our first round pick for Oakland's #2, #6, and Doug Jolley. So because of the trade, we actually ended up with Nugent, Rhodes, and Jolley. That's not a bad trade in my book...
  4. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    We have had great Tackles picked in the first round and never did win the big one. We have had bad TE picked in the first round and never won the big one. Maybe if we actually drafted a great TE we might get there?
  5. Gunther

    Gunther Member

    Apr 5, 2006
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    I want what Mangini wants.....
    Helps to keep me sane...

    From NY JETs
    April 20, 2006 News
    In Regard to rebuilding the offense III

    The Jets also need to get more receiving production out of the tight end position. Doug Jolley came to New York with big expectations in ’05, but things didn’t pan out as he started just seven games, and Chris Baker missed half the season with a broken left fibula. Both return this season, but this year’s draft class of TE’s has some outstanding athletes who possess excellent receiving skills.

    Maryland’s Vernon Davis may be the best receiver in the draft at any position. The 6-3, 254-pounder was the talk of the combine when he turned in a 42-inch vertical leap and a 4.3 time in the 40 to go with his excellent production at Maryland. Some scouts are projecting him as a top five overall selection in this draft, and although we don’t expect the Jets to select him at #4, he wouldn’t be a tremendous reach there.
    #5 Gunther, Apr 21, 2006
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2006

    BIG TYMER Banned

    Apr 7, 2006
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    I'd take Davis in a heartbeat if D'Brick is off the board. People need to stop being pussies and worrying about drafting a TE in round 1 just because we've made a few mistakes in the past. This is a new regime. Vernon Davis is lightyears ahead of Kyle Brady and Johnny Mitchell.
  7. MyFavoriteMartin28

    MyFavoriteMartin28 New Member

    Apr 19, 2006
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    No T.e Round 1

    Drafting a T.E this early in the draft is stupid. I understand that Davis is a fast, strong, t.e with a lot to offer but do we REALLY need a t.e THAT BADLY. Baker really isnt that bad, hes no Vernon but not many T.E's are. Baker can catch the ball and run after the catch and is also strong, sounds like an average t.e to me. Also, aren't you Jets fans tired of seeing our Q.B peeling himself off the turf every time he drops back to throw the ball, i kno i am. NO T.E ROUND ONE ITS STUPID, if we really need one that badly we can wait n pick one up in the later rounds. D.BRICKSHAW IS WHO I WNT TO HEAR COME DRAFT DAY.:martin:
  8. JetsFanAce51

    JetsFanAce51 New Member

    Apr 14, 2006
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    Let me just point this out for everyone out there...All the teams that have great TE's, none of them would be the same without saying that, I mean that KC, San Diego, Pitts, Giants, Falcons...All these teams are prime examples...Gonzalez, Gates, Miller, Shockey, Crumpler...look what they bring to their team's offense...without having a great pass catching TE, it's hard to keep the defense off balance IMO...If Davis wasn't worth getting, then why is he ranked right after Bush as far as first offensive player taken, not playing the quarterback position...
    Davis is going to be a special player...WHEN we pass on him, and he does wonders for another team, we are all going to be kicking ourselves for not taking him...there are only 4 players in this draft that pretty much sure fire stars IMO, and those guys are: Bush, Super Mario, Hawk, and Davis...There isn't anything that shows me why these guys aren't going to be stars in the NFL...
    To conclude...Jets NEED to take either Hawk or Davis at #4...Hawk would make the LB corps elite for years to come, and Davis would jump start that offense right away...and by the way, when Pennington comes back, he is going to need a guy like Davis to throw to since he can't throw past 30 yards...Enough said...
  9. Gunther

    Gunther Member

    Apr 5, 2006
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    You know out of all the TE's you mentioned everyone I believe leads there teams in catches as well.

    Something else I read in the Jets news
    Jets News
    Defensive Shift
    April 10, 2006

    Of course the Jets have many other needs to address in the draft along the offensive line, at RB, TE, and WR, and they could use depth at CB. But with the defensive switch looming, expect the team to at least consider some of these players.
  10. parafly

    parafly New Member

    Feb 1, 2006
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    If we were a solid team that was just a couple of star players away from being great, then I would not hesitate to take a guy like Davis.

    Unfortunately, we have a roster which many people say is one of the bottom 3 in the league. We have far too many pressing needs, and do not have the luxery of drafting a position that is already sufficiently filled. Why would anyone feel that it is an absolute necessity to replace Baker (a top 15 TE IMO) when we have so many issues at the other positions?
  11. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    We are full of holes no doubt however we stink at TE and at WR and we don't have any kind of threat at RB. Vernon Davis is the No. 1 threat to take it to the house on the board at either TE or WR. We have a problem at WR, we don't even have a reasonably decent No. 2. We also have a weak OL. What would be so bad about running a 2 TE set with Baker and Davis and putting McCariens on the bench? We would have more push if running the ball and more of a threat in the passing game at the same time.

    You could even run a two TE set with Baker and Jolley and split Davis out with Coles and really have some fun.
    #11 winstonbiggs, Apr 21, 2006
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2006
  12. parafly

    parafly New Member

    Feb 1, 2006
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    I disagree that we "stink" at TE. All of our guys at TE are very servicable.

    Now, don't get me wrong, I am not completely against taking Vernon Davis. Adding a weapon of his calibur to the offense would be an instant upgrade. I like the two TE set also, but I don't want that to be our primary set.

    I just feel like there are wiser choices. I would rank him 5th in the players we should take, and that takes him out of the picture at #4. If we stay at #4, I think we should take:

    1) Bush
    2) Leinart
    3) Williams
    4) Hawk

    However, if we were to drop down to #6, and these guys were gone, I'd take Davis in a heartbeat.
  13. Ramseyfan

    Ramseyfan New Member

    Mar 17, 2006
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    I like it. Put 'em in a spread formation. Toss them quick, short passes and grin while those little DBs try to haul them down.

    Play ball control with the passing game. Great in the red zone. No need for a big, athletic O line.

    You've nailed it, Winston!
  14. Jets41815162342

    Jets41815162342 New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    Sound Familiar ... a SI online article on draft busts

    Derek Brown
    TE, No. 14 overall, New York Giants, 1992
    A physical specimen at Notre Dame, Brown looked as if he would redefine the tight end position in the NFL. Brown did change the way people thought about tight ends: Teams no longer wanted to take them in the first round. Brown had 11 catches in three seasons with the Giants before being cut. He often gets lumped in with the Jets' No. 15 pick that year, Johnny Mitchell, another historic tight end bust.

    And he was the 14th pick. All you Davis lovers will be bitching in 2 years how we wasted a Top 10 pick on "another" TE. Unless he's there are 29, which he won't let go on with out him. If TE was the missing piece of the puzzle I might feel differently but we are in rebuilding mode, not a great place to start.

    Let the scouts do their job and find us a developmental gem. Baker, Dresseden and Jolly can hold the fort for 2006.
  15. Ramseyfan

    Ramseyfan New Member

    Mar 17, 2006
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    Your "logical argument" is that if you compare Vernon Davis to the TE busts of the past, picking him makes no sense.

    How about comparing him to TEs like Gonzales or Gates? If the Jets' braintrust sees him as having that kind of potential, would you still advise passing on him?
  16. Gunther

    Gunther Member

    Apr 5, 2006
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    Let's See
    The #4 pick in the 2002 Draft
    Mike Williams (Tackle) Texas 6' 6" 360 pounds
    Expected to be a Hall of Fame Lock
    Lost his starting job by fall of 2005
    Released in the off season
    Signed by Jacksonville

    Now the other two have paned out well
    #7 Bryant McKinnie for Minnesota
    #10 Levi Jones for Cincinnati
    Both are Starters
    But #29 Marc Colombo for Chicago is no longer on the Bears roster...

    4 tackles taken in the 1st round of the 2002 draft
    2 are no longer playing for the teams that drafted them and 2 are starters
    #16 Gunther, Apr 21, 2006
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2006
  17. Tight

    Tight Active Member

    Nov 25, 2005
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    Wow, a vet with some imagination... I like it ! I already liked the idea of davis on our team, then when you elaborated talking about the two te set, my mouth started watering. For gosh sakes hes a T.e who runs the .40 faster then most of the wide receivers !

    Hey winston do you think our new OC is pushing for the "Duke"? I sure do
  18. Tight

    Tight Active Member

    Nov 25, 2005
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    Good point. He sees the glass half empty I guess. Why not compare him to Antonio Gates. or Tony Gonzales, correct me if im wrong but Jeremy shockey was drafted in the first and I think he turned out pretty good.
  19. plasticsloth

    plasticsloth Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2006
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    If ferguson is off the board than take vernon. I dont want to spend another first round pcik on defense when our offense is what is in dire need of some improvement. It's been like this for eyars. If D'Brick is off the board, u gotta take vernon. He is a beast of a receiver. He can be a great target to whoever plays qb next year. Take davis if and only if D'Brick is off the board
  20. Nesquik

    Nesquik Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2006
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    Maybe if we actually get tight ends that can get open that wouldnt happen ala VERNON DAVIS.

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