Rich Cimini The New York Jets don't have to worry about any contract headaches when they report to training camp in eight days. They have agreed to terms with first-round pick Jamal Adams, the rookie's agency announced Thursday night on Twitter. Per the rookie wage scale, he will make a fully guaranteed $22.3 million on a four-year contract. The team has an option for a fifth year.
If any sport in the world should have guaranteed contracts, it's the NFL. That all deals aren't guaranteed is amazing to me. Good for Jamal Adams.
Let's hope we've hit a home run with this one and can look back to the last few drafts as laying the foundation for a genuine competitor. I'm sick of our good draft picks standing out like a diamond in a coal mine. I want to be blinded by all the talent we've amassed.
It's not often that we disagree, but in this case we do. I don't think we'll ever see all deals guaranteed, nor should we. With the rate that injuries happen, with all the JAGS in the NFL, and the way some players coast once they sign a big deal, why would/should a team want to be locked into having to pay some guy when hes loafing, when he could be easily replaced by 5-10 other guys, or continually injured the way Millner was?
Devil's adv...But how about when It's the other way? Team backloads a deal and the player Gets Hurt, or just Cut in the last years of the deal and he's assed out. We see it all the time.
Well, players don't have to agree to a back-loaded deal. They can insist on a one- or two-year deal and if the team won'tagree, they can become free agents. I know that in the case of older players, when they sign a longer-term contract and its backloaded, they already know that they will never get that money, but it's the best deal they can get for the money in the early years of the deal. College players often insure themselves in case of injury. Why can't professional players do the same? It seems to me that when players sign a long-term deal they could take out some insurance to protect those years. Now maybe the insurance companies won't do that since there is a high risk of the players getting seriously injured, but I know that in one of CuMar's contracts that was fully guaranteed, the Jets insured themselves against CuMar getting injured to protect themselves. Unless insurance companies will no longer do that, teams could do that more or players could do it to protect themselves. In the real world if we get seriously injured and can no longer perform the tasks required in our job, our companies don't have to keep us on the payroll and continue paying us. Why should NFL teams?
There is nothing wrong with the way contracts are done right now. With the hard cap it will be hard to do 100% guarantees because years and bonuses are structured to manipulate cap numbers in different years of the contract. Even 1 year deals are not true 1 year deals as years are added to help with the cap in that same year. See fitzpatricks deal last year. a player might be able to negotiate a 1 year deal with the right team but I think they will prefer the 3 years with more guarantees over playing for a contract every year