that looks outstanding. a great hockey game could entice me to pick-up a next-gen machine sooner than later, but there hasn't been a truly great hockey game since NHL 96 for the original Playstation.
I think it looks good, but there's something about the next-gen systems that I just don't like. I think they focus to much on visuals. I'd rather get it for PS2. I've been absolutley awesome at the NHL series since I first got NHL 94. In 2004 for PS2 online, my record was 121-2 before my account got deleted because I "threatened someone".
visuals are insane, but what should we expect? it is the next gen after all. thinking ahead a bit, but for the gen after 360 and PS3 do video game creators have to hire actors to be their characters to star in the games, as graphics become completely movie like, or is this as good as the actual graphics engines can get?
1. If you don't care why did you post? 2. You just said if you cared you would care Anyways that looks great. Are those screenshots of actual gameplay?
I cant go by screenshots or trailers. The only way to truly tell what the game will look like is when there are actual gameplay videos.
I said they aren't gameplay footage, which those aren't. You can't play a game when it just shows one player like that from the side. NHL games on PS2 look like that in trailers also. I'm not impressed.