on ESPN sports center earlier Darren Woodson did a NFL breakdown by each division choosing which team he said would win the divison and how much of a threat they are in the league, and last divison was the AFC east and he chose the Patriots... I couldn't take it I got up and had to leave the room I was so pissed, I mean I know its just an opinion based on whats on paper but I just dont see it
Is there anything wrong w/ thinking NE is the team to beat in the east? The last team to win the AFC East when Tom Brady was healthy was the 2002 Jets. Until someone knocks off NE w/ Brady they should be the favorites.
I think they won it in this decade 7 times, so what he said is a legit statement. They still have Tom Brady. That's all to be said, but I do personally think the Jets will win the division.
I'm pretty sure he just picked every single division winner from last year.....was a pointless segment
Every season that Peyton manning is under center the colts will be the offseason favorites to win the division. It's a quarterback driven league so.......
Until we shut everyone up the talking heads will always be able to pull out the same tired line: "With Bill Belichick and Tom Brady..." They were living on reputation last year too, and we let them get away with it. This is the year they get exposed for what they are - old, slow, and, without Welker at full strength, pretty damn one-dimensional.
If we win the division and someone says that for 2011, then it doesn't make sense. But until someone knocks off the champ, they are the favorite. I've got no problem with that. In fact, I prefer people to think less of us.
yep we need more people to publish shit dissing the team. Rex, and Co will live off that. I'm a fan of all the Jets hype all over ESPN/Radio/ETC, because basically I see more Jets coverage. Bad part? Too much love just don't like it.
jeez the FINS are really under the radar....i think JETS win but FINS are better than PATS this year and will finish 3rd in division IMHO
I disagree with the fact that they should be chosen over us welker gone, moss has lost a step (or two) but at the same time I agree with this ^ I love being under the radar and I think we still are to an extent
They are the team to beat. They won the division last year while we got hlep getting in the playoffs. They are always well coached and have added good players to augment their problem areas. The Jets allowed 3 proven guys to leave the offense and have added some players with very good performance history, but who have done zero for the team so far. Logic should say that until proven otherwise, the Pats are the team to beat.
plus, sorry to say, belichick is just a mastermind that being said, i think the jets r the team to beat in the afc east, and i'm not a jets fan
Who gives a crap who the "team to beat" is, that's such a stupid way of looking at it. You think the Jets are thinking about who the team to beat is? hell no
his doubt doesn't bother me much, even though New England isn't the same ... they still deserve some respect
Man, I sure hope the Jets win the Super Bowl this year. If not, GG / the city of NY might have a mass suicide on their hands!!...:lol: Some of you guys take this stuff way too personal / serious. It's only May... ~BK~