"Keller also explained his feelings on the media spotlight in Gotham. "There's always some type of nonsense going on. When you're in the New York media you don't say that you're used to all of that, there's always going to be distractions," he said. "But this is really more so than anywhere else. You're really talking about a team, we didn't even go to the playoffs the year before and it seemed like we're in the media more than anyone else, and for the wrong reasons -- you never want that."
I agree. I read the article expecting something different. He's right though as far as the media is concerned. Also found his Sanchez thoughts interesting.
Very misleading. Thread title had me going in expecting him to slam the Jets and it was nothing of the sort. I found it funny though that he said Sanchez probably didn't like the Jets bringing in Tebow or Smith. I'm sure he doesn't like having his job threatened. Who would?
Wow awesome post. Let's focus on one line out of the entire article! Don't bother posting the content of the article or anything. :lol: Here's the full quote for people that are interested in actual context. Keller was talking about the distractions involved with being in the spotlight. He wasn't talking about locker room drama or anything like that as this quote mine of an Op says.
Or, I posted it EXACTLY as NFL.com did so as to get the point across. I guess you missed where I agreed with it being misleading. But, as usual, you are a dopey troll.
But you're still posting a misleading headline. That's the entire point. NFL editors practicing bad journalism doesn't give you a license to do the same.
As much as I hate the Jets it is good to see him not throwing an organization under the bus that did so much for him. I always hate for guys to do that unless they were really done dirty. His quote is 100% spot on. It is ironic that the media is trying to make his quote seem like he is trashing the Jets, in a quote in which he is actually taking a shot at the media.
nothing to see here. media takes a quote out of context slaps it in the title and hope everyone is stupid. reading the comments, it seemed like it worked
"You mean like Geno Smith? I mean he's nothing but an attention seeking diva right? all i see are articles about his attention seeking ways and how the jests are a mess! Even their mascot quit on them because the team was so bad! I don't pay much direct attention to the team or how its handling itself so all i have to go on is media headlines feeding my preconceived notion of their ineptitude. All that matters is the butt fumble right?" somebody needs to write a paper or something on how media outlets exploit outsider ignorance to continue profitable narratives, particularly with the jets.
NFL.COM actually posted the article and full quote. You didn't even paste the text from any of the article, or even drop a comment on it until AFTER someone else commented. I doubt you even read it. Just sayin, that's weak, homey, and speaks volumes about your intention at the time you posted it. I'm not trying to say anything, I'm just sayin.
The Jets have a big market, for sure...but do see the same type of circus atmosphere with the Giants when they have their struggles? No, the Jets have brought this kind of attention on themselves in large part. Certain member of the organization would be better off had they kept their mouths shut.
this is older than rex. this shit has been going on for years. it has taken a bit more of a venomous tone of late but it has always been the "jets as a joke" theme with the writers.
Idiot. What does that even mean jackass? Why am I required to comment when I post something? If you read the article, you get the gist. Maybe I think people here, other than you, can read and form an intelligent opinion for themselves. Here's another for you, quoted as is: ESPN New York: Keller: Always "nonsense" around Jets http://espn.go.com/blog/new-york/jets/post/_/id/23777/keller-always-nonsense-around-jets I read the article first and as I stated before your dumbass posted, I said it was misleading. I also said his thoughts on the press and Sanchez were interesting, which is why I posted it. You clearly ignored that though. I guess baby was angry someone might have said something bad about his Jets. Get out of Mom's basement and grow up. Also read and think before you post. Or just post this :lol::lol: Because that's all you do.
Maybe so, but every single fan base feels their team is singled out in one way or another. Trust me. It's true. A lot of the current over-the-top stuff going on may not be fair, entirely accurate or whatever else, but I'm telling you that a great deal of the attention is self-imposed in my opinion. That starts with Rex and the way he's run the team...the example he's set. Real dumb. You scream for attention and then have meltdowns that are more public than need-be, and this is what happens, especially in such a large market. This was going on quite a bit, so what do the Jets do? They trade for Tim Tebow, the biggest media magnet in all sports perhaps...then they botch that. Talk about a team in dire need of damage control. Sorry, but my personal opinion is that the Jets asked for this more than they are victims.
That's the job of a headline writer, to get clicks. You can't write, "MARK SANCHEZ HAVING THREESOME WITH KARDASHIANS!" and link to an article about Nick Folk, but as long as you're not writing a blatantly false headline, you try to generate clicks.
:rofl: :rofl: Nah, I'm just going to post these ones because you just took a joke as a serious statement and insulted me over it. It's really not that serious, bro.