A-Rod's return tonight baby! :beer: Sabathia vs. Guthrie, Ace vs. Ace. Looks kinda rainy here though.
So Francesa was just saying..Rivera has never given up more than 5 hrs in a year in his career..he has already given up 4..They say it is an absolute zoo in Baltimore with the number of media..imagine if the Manny thing hadn't happened how many there would be, Molina on the 14 day...how much worse can it get?
I don't know, but I'm sure we all take comfort in knowing that Don's Rating System can incorporate it. It's like the standard rating system that grades things on a scale of 1 to 10, except Don only rates the team anywhere from -10 to to -∞.
That stupid move by Swisher/Thompson is something that never would have happened under Joe Torre. It cost the Yankees at least one run.