Its unbelievable that it had to come to this but hopefully in the end cooler heads will prevail.. Everyone loses if this deal doesn't get done, especially the fans of the game and the NFL in general.
Well this just a "report" so I would not break out the champagne until somebody offically says it is done
Thats why I said hopefully cooler heads will prevail.. But I have believed all along that a deal will get done and I still do. Don't be surprised if FA gets pushed back a couple more days now for teams to prepare..
I would imagine Gene Upshaw's cell phone has been ringing off the hook for the last few days. Higher priced players in the league were probably saying to him, "You have to get this done. It will hurt my pocket if you baulk at this. Why do we pay you dues anyway if you let this happen." With the obvious glut the non-bound CBA would have on this year's FA market. Guys would not get what they expected to get. Actually, getting this done is absolutely pivotal to the Abraham deal. Without the new cap, I don't think somebody would pay him 8.3 million a year and I think he would ultimately wind up staying a Jet for at least another year. This would have drastic ramnifications for what we could do in the draft. Pray for the new cap deal to get done is super important, not only for football, but if you are a die hard Jets fan.