Taken from today's NYDN: Wow... just wow.. Damn near put Penn St. out of business for the next several years.
Hopefully Penn State sues the NCAA and everybody associated with it. Maybe in the end all the penalties are fine but they deserve due process and not some asshole trying to make a name for himself deciding what should be done.
Penn State reportedly signed a Consent Agreement to the punishment, which means that they cannot sue. Which indicates to me that Penn State and the NCAA actually worked out this punishment together. The NCAA heeds public outcry for punishment, Penn State gets something less than the death penalty. Penn State also wants to stop the bleeding PR-wise; fighting the punishment would only keep the story on the front page, which is the last thing PSU wants right now.
PSU easily could have received much worse punishment. They will take their licks and try to pump up their other teams until the post-season ban wears off.
It is well within the scope of the NCAA's authority. Maybe Sandusky should not have been raping little boys and maybe Fucktard Paterno should not have allowed Sandusky and his dick to run rampant on campus and use the football program as a lure.
Sandusky wasn't even a coach or on the Penn St. payroll when he committed the only act that Paterno was made aware of. BTW, to make sure that there is no misunderstanding. What Sandusky did was reprehensible and he ought to either get the death penalty, or spend the rest of his life getting ass raped in prison. No doubt about that. Additionally, some people at Penn State did indeed cover things up and they ought to be dealt with as well. That said, Paterno never saw anything, rather, the young assistant (McQueary ?) vaguely told him what he witnessed. What did Paterno do ? He reported the matter to his supervisor, as he was supposed to do, seeing as how Sandusky wasn't his employee or subordinate. My problem isn't about this costing Penn State. The Univ is going to pay out millions in damages, as they well should. My problem is that the NCAA has nothing to do with this. It was a criminal matter that was handled by the authorities and it's a civil matter that will be handled in the courts. This is just another example of a group (the NCAA this time) reacting, saying "Oh, we have to do something," even though they don't actually have any business being involved.
I agree 100000% with u. If NCAA is really worried about victims they should split $60 million up with the victims.
Its all going to charities for victims of sexual abuse. So is the 13 million that the Big Ten is fining them each year (though I believe that is just a donation of their would be Bowl money).
Yes, I heard that after my original post. They would have been better off taking the death penalty for one year.
And why this is totally beyond their authority they have not even done an investigation. This is unheard of. They are basing everything on Freeh's investigation and that too was done in a vacuum. I guess the premise in this country that everybody deserves their day in court goes out the window when it serves your political position to ignore it.
Not to worry as the lawsuits haven't been filed yet. The victims will be comp'd to the tune of millions of dollars each guaranteed. It wouldn't surprise me if PSU tries to keep the terms of the settlements on the downlow. You better believe all of this theatre is just the opening act of the litigation phase of the scandal.
absolutely. I fully expect the victims to receive at least $60 million each purely because of the coverup. Penn State is going to be fucking bankrupt after this shit.
They will never get that much. They will settle out of court for 1 or 2 million each. In civil suits there names are not protected under the rape laws.
Did the penn state apologist every take a second to maybe think that everything that came out in the fresh report is right and they now know it. The fresh report which penn state paid to get done. If anyone there thought the report was wrong they would fight it. I have a feeling the truth is way worse then we know and they gladly will accept the punishment. Now penn staters have to realize their beloved football program was nothing more the. A bunch of the biggest low life's NCAA sports has seen. We are rape state and the fans still don't see it