Narcos on Netflix

Discussion in 'BS Forum' started by Aewhistory, Jan 2, 2016.

  1. Aewhistory

    Aewhistory Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2012
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    Okay, when I heard Netflix and Amazon were going to start some of their own original programming I immediately thought this stuff was going to be a collection of shite. I assumed it would be zero budget, bad acting, bad directing, and just plain bad. I am very happy to say I am quite wrong--at least about this one series.

    I hadn't intended on watching Narcos but I ran across an article about it from a person who grew up in Columbia during the trials and tribulations of the Pablo Escobar era. Like me, the writer expected the series to be drek but found himself not only enjoying the series but appreciating the huge amount of work that went into making it feel authentic. There is a lot of historical research that has gone into the first season and, since it has been renewed for a second season, one can hope that level of detail will remain.

    So what is Narcos? Well, the series begins with the rise of the cocaine trade in South America, leading to the rise of the Medillin cartel. The episodes do a nice job covering the history, the characters, motivations, etc., without getting overly esoteric and erudite. In fact, one of the best parts of Narcos is how it humanize a the people it portrays. As awful as many of the people involved were, they were still human beings. They weren't monsters and they only SEEMED larger than life. The series does a nice job making sure to return most of these people to their human sized forms from the caricatures they'd become.

    This is a bloody series and has quite a bit of nudity, so if that puts the of off then you will want to skip it. However, If you're put off by violence why the hell are you a football fan!? Go watch badminton or seomthing. As for tha story, if you're in your 40's or older you may know or remember (like I do) the story of Escobar, the Ochoas, Gacha, Lehder, the Medillin and Cali cartels. However, if you're younger you may not know or remember this bloody period in Columbian and American history. Whether you approach this with some memory of the events or not, this is a really entertaining way to get a reasonable account of those events (it is not an actual history, it is a drama, but it is close enough for most people) or to remember what this early fight against drugs cost. A lot of good people died.

    So is anyone else watching this?
  2. The Waterboy

    The Waterboy Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Started watching Narcos but with 75% of it in Spanish with subtitles that were sometimes lagging behind by as much as a complete sentence I gave up. It was just giving me a headache.
    Might have been my blu-ray player at fault for that so I might give it another shot when I get my Roku 3 next week.

    Lately just been catching up on things I never got around to when they were first on, just finished the first season of Z Nation. Some zombie shows just have to go over the top and Z Nation does that, I find it hilarious. Been watching Man in the High Castle on Amazon and think it is pretty good. Jessica Jones I just started and it is ok but nothing to get too excited about. Peaky Blinders I thought was excellent and hopefully season 3 will be coming up shortly on Netflix.

    I realize not all these are original Netflix or Amazon programming, just some of what I am watching on them.
  3. deerow84

    deerow84 Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2012
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    I thought Narcos was great, I really enjoyed it. I've enjoyed a lot of the Netflix exclusive content to be honest, I don't think any of it is necessarily can't miss television or anything like that but it is stuff that if I have an hour or two to kill that I am happy to have that content over some of the garbage on network tv.
  4. Faux machine

    Faux machine Well-Known Member

    Dec 17, 2012
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    This is in my que to watch. I watched the Cocaine Cowboys documentaries not that long ago, they are probably still up on Netflix too for those interested.
  5. Aewhistory

    Aewhistory Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2012
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    Nice to see some other folks watching this bad boy! I forgot the mention how much of it was in Spanish. I've been watching it on my Roku and the subtitles have been aligned nicely with the scenes, no noticeable lag. Or rather, the only lag is me. :oops: The funny thing is I really don't mind all the Spanish. It makes it feel like a much more authentic I suppose, or brings a greater deal of immersion to the experience.

    Btw, I think the actor playing Escobar is great. Moura is his name I think. He isn't quite a dead ringer for Escobar, but he does a nice job capturing some of the subtleties of Pablo, like his little pot belly and the weird combination Escobar had between seemingly nerdish qualities, cold blooded murderer, and drug kingpin.

    I've read that the actor playing DEA agent Murphy has been criticized for being too 'plain' but apparently he is plying the part exactly as he was supposed to and I think it works. I hate all these supposed super hero agents you see in movies; real agents aren't like that supposedly.

    Faux Machine: I'll look for cocaine Cowboys, sounds interesting. I've always found this story very interesting for a lot of reasons. I suppose this was something that caught my attention growing up, but also living in Trenton we didn't have a significant drug and gang problem until about a decade or so ago (believe it or not). The city was reviving, but the economy crashed, gangs moved in, and drugs became a worse problem. We lost about two decades worth of effort and things are just barely stabilizing. It didn't help that we had a corrupt mayor as well, but it is the gangs that have been the biggest problem. I hate these people. They destroy what common, decent people try to build for their lives and I guess I sympathize with what Columbia had to deal with on a much, much greater scale when they dealt with Escobar and his thugs. I have to say I clapped more than a few times watching this series.... I can't recommend it enough.
  6. Aewhistory

    Aewhistory Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2012
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    Can you recommend anything else on Netflix? I'm impressed enough with Narcos to give more of their content a try. Although I did hear that the Adam Sandler film on Netflix was awful. I don't recall its name though...
  7. The Waterboy

    The Waterboy Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Good to know the lag is not an issue with the Roku, have my Roku 3 coming on Thursday. Figured it was my blu-ray/streaming device, had a $70 credit with Dell and they were selling a cheap Sony, great for DVD/blu-ray but crap for streaming.

    If you haven't yet check out House of Cards on Netflix, The Man in the High Castle on Amazon Prime. Both very good shows in my opinion. House of Cards does start dragging a bit in season 3 but still good just not as good as season 1 and 2. The Man in the High Castle was just renewed for season 2 and hopefully just as good as season 1
  8. deerow84

    deerow84 Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2012
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    A few that I have watched that are worth watching: Jessica Jones, Daredevil, Orange is the New Black, Bloodlines (bit of a slow burn), Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (comedy, not for everyone), Master of None (another comedy, might not be for everyone). House of Cards is pretty popular, I'm sort of hit and miss on that one but I'd say check it out at least. There is a whole section in Netflix for their original programs, just scroll through there and look at the ratings and see what interests you.

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