OK to make a long story short, when I was a kid, pretty young, I went to Jets training camp, and at the camp in the little store area they had a Modell's giveaway thing and you spun the little wheel and everything on there was a Modell's items except for this one really small part that was an autographed Jets mini-football. Anyway I spun the wheel, and damn, I must have been lucky because I landed that small part and won an autograph. They took me to an area with this one player. I didn't know who he was but he signed a mini-football and gave it to me. Now the name isn't exactly readable. You can make out the first name, it says Bob and he signed the number, 40. Now I treasure it, but I realized, I never found out who this guy is. Is he a nobody or what? So I looked him up on the Jets all-tine roster and the only one that appears to match is a #40 CB named Bobby Jackson, at least that's what I think the site said. So if anyone wants to tell me who this is, because I have no idea, I just have his autograph and never looked into it until now.
http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9A0DE4D81630F932A15755C0A960948260 Only thing I could find was this Times article from 1986.
Sorry no. I'd assume it was when I was about 8 to 10. The dude played for about 10 years on the team in the 70s and 80s, so I'd assume maybe one of the older fans can tell me something about him.