You gotta love my town.
He asked her why she was in Madison. Think about it for a second. Who pulls over a woman in a sports sedan and asks them why they're driving through town? She asked him why he pulled her over and his response was to go sit in his vehicle. If I'm her I'm thinking I was pulled over for driving while black and in the absence of a response from the officer that thought becomes kind of crystallized. I've been profiled and I'm not black and I came out of that experience thinking something was very wrong about the way people were policing my town. It doesn't take a lot to tip over into a police state. We're not there yet but incidents like the one she reported make you wonder how long that's going to last. The best thing you could say about the incident is that maybe she was only randomly racially profiled as opposed to systematically racially profiled. However she also said she gets pulled over twice a month in that town. If that's the case something is really wrong there.
Why are you asking me? Because I am a Muslim? A Muslim can't live in Madison at 11:30 AM? I will post this on my instagram.
Yea, she's a loon. Terricka confessed she had faked the suicide try because she thought Cromartie — who has 10 kids, including eight with seven other women — was “cheating on her.” “She stated that she had no intention of going through with the act,” says a police report on the May 6, 2011 incident. “She said she was exercising her First Amendment right to free speech and could say whatever she wanted.”