Ey people, i'm from the Netherlands and i'm watching American Football for 3 years now.(JETS RULE!!!) So because i like American Football a lot i bought Madden 2009 for the XBOX 360 but it turns out that it is the most difficult game i have ever played. Me and two of my friends have tryed it for about 30 hours and we just don't get how to play defense AT ALL. I beat FIFA 2009 on it highest level but i barely manage the pro level in MADDEN and it seems like there's not even a learning curve. So i was wondering if it is normal for beginners to suck this much at American Football games of if it's just me and my friends?
For a beginner I'll offer the following tip for playing defense. I sometimes see beginner players consistently make the mistake of not matching there defensive formation to the offensive formation and/or down & distance. An easy rule of thumb is to try and keep the same number of corner backs on the field as the offensive formation has receivers. Your base 3-4 and 4-3 defenses have 2 CB's. So when the offense lines up with 2 wide, stick with the base 3-4 or 4-3 defense. Your nickel defense has 3 CB's. So when the offense lines up with 3 wide, use nickel. The dime defense has 4 CB's. So when the offense lines up with 4 wide, use a dime defense. You may already be doing this, but a fairly common mistake I see is people setting themselves up with a mismatch and this is a decent way to learn how to avoid that mismatch. There are a lot of details I'm leaving out but I wanted to keep it simple to start. Also, mix up blitzing, playing man coverage and zone coverages to keep the opponents guessing. As you gain more experience you'll get a better feel as to what types of defenses you'll want to run in different situations. Good luck.
thx man. That's some solid advice. I didn't think about matching the cb's to the wr's at all to be honest so i hope i'll get better by doing that.
like WSW said, try and matchup the defense with the amount of WR's. You don't want linebackers covering WR's.