Moss waits for Chad

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by RDriven3, Jan 1, 2007.

  1. RDriven3

    RDriven3 New Member

    Dec 15, 2005
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    Last page of article:

    Pennington was the last player to walk into the night, carrying his young son in one arm, the bag with the game ball in the other, when he was stopped by a tall man wearing a lavish mink coat.

    It was Randy Moss, injured Raider and Pennington's college teammate at Marshall. Moss missed the team bus so he could embrace Pennington, and tell him he was so proud. Jets fans, already deep into their own parties, surely offered toasts all around.


    Think he whispered in Chad's ear, "Get me here..."
    #1 RDriven3, Jan 1, 2007
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2007
  2. ganggreengirl

    ganggreengirl New Member

    Jan 16, 2005
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    UH OH... I don't know what to think about this.
  3. hazmat

    hazmat New Member

    Aug 27, 2004
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    think he whispered that, but who knows if he did and I doubt it would ever happen.
  4. Nesquik

    Nesquik Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2006
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    Moss as a slot reciever would be something sick, if we could get him we would get a deep threat and a tall reciever to just go up and get the ball.Imagine how much better our redzone offence would be, we could just fade it to Moss.
  5. NJRaider

    NJRaider New Member

    Apr 21, 2005
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    As much as they are old friends and respect each other, I just don't see it as a good match. Pennington's skill set at this point in his career doesn't really match with Moss's skill set.

    And besides that, you guys don't want him, trust me. Not a "Mangini guy"!
  6. RDriven3

    RDriven3 New Member

    Dec 15, 2005
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    I am sure this topic has been beat to death, but I thought I read the raiders were looking for a 3rd rounder for him and if we could rework his contract to be incentive based like Chad's, and add a stud RB from the draft look out next year. But hey we still have this year to worry about :up:
  7. RDriven3

    RDriven3 New Member

    Dec 15, 2005
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    Sweet jesus:

    In the 1997 season, Marshall's first in Division I-A, Moss and current New York Jets quarterback Chad Pennington were the centerpiece of an explosive offense that led the Thundering Herd to the Mid-American Conference title. Moss caught 26 touchdown passes that season, at the time a Division I-A record, and was a first-team All-American. For the season, he had 96 receptions for 1820 yards, and 26 touchdowns. He won the Fred Biletnikoff Award as the nation's leading wide receiver, and was a finalist for the Heisman Trophy (finishing fourth in the balloting, behind Ryan Leaf, Peyton Manning, and Charles Woodson, who won the award).
  8. macbk

    macbk Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2004
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    Moss I can guarantee is definitely NOT a "Mangini guy". A few years ago I may have said bring Moss over, but not now. He definitely would not fit in with this Jets team and how they go about the game.
  9. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    When was the last time Randy Moss played for a team that was any good?

    The point of getting a big game-breaking player is to have him make an impact for you. Sad to say but Randy Moss's impact days are over.

    I'd absolutely take Jerrico Cotchery or Laveranues Coles over Randy Moss straight up. No questions asked.
  10. JetsIn2004

    JetsIn2004 Banned

    Jan 26, 2004
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    I agree, and I would not have 3 yrs ago. (obvious with Cotchery).

    I think they are friends, and we shouldn't read anything into this.
  11. The Green Dude

    The Green Dude 2008 Best Avatar Award Winner

    Jun 3, 2004
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    Michael Turner or bust
  12. vcoach

    vcoach New Member

    Jan 4, 2003
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    in the right system, right qb, right team, randy moss would still be a deep threat and a difference maker. he has not had these things in years.
    i am not saying the right situation is in NY, because i do not see EM taking a chance on him.
    i truly believe that on the field, he would play hard with chad. respects him too much not to. off the field, saying the wrong thing at the wrong time, etc, that is a different story.
    as for chad's current skills matching moss', who better to go up and catch CP's deep "floaters"
    it's not going to happen. can't see it. would not surprise me though to find out that in the off season, CP is pushing for it.
  13. RDriven3

    RDriven3 New Member

    Dec 15, 2005
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    I dunno you figure at some point, Moss has to be humbled with whats happened to him. If it was not for all the baggage he would have probaly been the best WR to every play the game or at least top 5 all time. He was young and stupid maybe hes changed, I mean seriously would you want to play for the raiders this season, but yeah openly quitting on the team is not something you want. Moss, Coles, Coth, Smith, for the love of god Chad would lead the league in passing.
  14. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    Let me ask you something: we're in training camp next year and Mangini is making Randy Moss attend every practice (far from what he is used to.) Moss ambles out on a fly pattern and Kellen Clemens puts one right over his shoulder (Moss never has to practice with the backups) and Moss drops it. Mangini runs up to him and tells him to run a lap.

    What do you think Randy Moss would do?

    The fact that we can't answer that question with any certainty at all makes him a bad bet for the Jets.
  15. jixxjr

    jixxjr Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2002
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    O.K. I say we get Moss IF and only IF,
    #1. We get him cheaply (not too high a draft pick)
    #2. We sign him to an inexpensive (Vet Minimum?), incentive laden contract (if he doesn't perform, he doesn't get paid)
    #3. His signing bonus is multi-tiered (escalating) and tied into an attitude contract (like what we signed Coles to when we first drafted him) so we can release him anytime (within the first 2 or 3 years) with minimal cost to our team.

    While I have my doubts, I wonder how Moss will respond to having a a disciplinarian as a head coach. His last few coaches were "Players Coaches" and maybe that contributed (because they let him get away with it) to his being a spoiled brat. Maybe all he needs is a coach that will put his foot on his throat (not take his sh..) and kick him in the ass every once in a while (it did work for Keyshawn) Maybe a little tough love is what he needs. While his attitude is a major concern, His potential and upside are too great to ignore. With the right contract (minimal risk for us) I think he's worth taking a look at.
  16. Jetsman5137

    Jetsman5137 New Member

    Jan 31, 2004
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    I agree in a sense, I mean has anyone heard Moss complaining lately? I mean he was a T.O. type when he was young certainly, but I havent heard anything from him lately. I also think Moss would do what Mangini tells him to do because of the great success the Jets are having. Look back at training camp when Coles would mouth off to Mangini alot, once they started winning Coles shut his mouth because he respects his coach now. A 3rd round pick is worth giving up for him because he has decent upside. Either way defenses around the league will have respect his name and the potential threat that he is. Wouldnt you be scared if you had to deal with Moss, Coles, Cotch and B. Smith? While we certainly have another issues to address this offseason, I would think Tangini might consider it if the oppurtunity arises after all other matters are addressed.
  17. RDriven3

    RDriven3 New Member

    Dec 15, 2005
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    Your right, its just been so long since the Jets have had a game breaker. Once in a while it would be so nice to score in 2-4 plays instead and dinking and dunking, 2-5 yard runs. The offense is exciting with the play calling but rarely is there a huge play. However, both Leon and Brad Smith do have that ability and they are both rookies so maybe next year we will have more explosive plays. Having long sustaining drives every game has to wear on an offense. In any case there is a lot to look forward in 2007.
  18. Serphnx

    Serphnx New Member

    Dec 25, 2005
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    This has been done to death, but if the FO brings him here, are you guys going to stop rooting for the Jets or will you give Randy Moss a chance? I think despite what you guys say now, if Moss was a Jet you'd all root for him, because in the end you, and I, are all Jets fans and want to see the Jets succeed. Put your faith in this FO, they've done great for us so far, if they think Moss would be a good fit and bring him in, I believe he'd be a good fit.
  19. NYSackXchange

    NYSackXchange Active Member

    May 24, 2004
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    Go read the article..... that last statement was not a part of it. Purely fabrication. The article does not say "Think he whispered in Chad's ear, "Get me here..." the poster added that part. Grrrr
  20. JetBlue

    JetBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    who would have thought Corey Dillon would be a Belichik guy? Brian Cox?

    coaches like Belichik and Mangini and Parcels have the ability to make players their types of "guys," that is why they are so great at what they do (obviously Mangini doesn't have the extensive track record as Belichik or Parcels and I am projecting this seasons accomplishments, expecting it to continue).

    with simply a bit of maturity on Moss's part, and a lot of tough nosed love on Mangini's, Moss could very easily become disciplined and a productive member of the Jets. that is enough to take a chance on him if you think those two can be accomplished.

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