Exactly....I would be surprised if instead the owners had reached a consensus, but this news means little, if all the stories are accurate anyway.
I have to agree, even though the Union and Players have agreed the greedy owners need to get on the same page with each other.....
There's greed on both sides. The players want more than 50% of the revenue for the teams. Do you and your co-workers make 50% of your company's revenue? They also want to abolish the cap. Why? So that guys like TO can play until Nov. 5, then decide that the 15M he is making in the current year just isn't enough, and he can demand more. (I admit to being against the cap before, but after seeing all of the counter-arguments, it is better for the sport.) Then the owners are greedy too. Of course they want to hold onto their money. It is their money though. It's funny how in terms of players, sports is always talked about as a business. That guys should be allowed to negotiate for the max they can get, that they have some unwritten code of rights. Then when it comes to the owners, the rules of business are out the window. People who own companies own them for one reason: PROFIT. A sporting franchise owner is no exception to that rule. Yes, it may seem glamourous to us, because we love sports, but it is no different than a Michael Dell, who owns his computer manufacturing company. He loves computers as much as we love football. He owns his business to make money though. I think both sides do need to give a bit, but I think the players need to budge more. If this continues on the path it's on, we are looking at another sport-crippling strike, just like the baseball strike. As far as the deal now, the union put it together. It isn't actually a deal. It's the package the union is proposing, and Tags has to present it to the big boys now, which you can be almost sure they will vote down before the end of the day. I think the owners know they have the players by the balls (no pun intended.) They are playing hardball. Either way, they'll be rich. Without football, what do most of these guys have?
what pisses me off is that they have to wait till tuesday to be presented why could they meet up today . if it that problem faxes still work
From nflpa.org. Poor Gene Upshaw. I think he's the real loser in this, if he coveted the Commissioner's job when Tags steps down.
From what I understand it's not all the owners that are holding this up, it's the guys that own their own stadiums ie: Jerry Jones, Dan Snyder and the evil POS in Foxboro. These guys feel that they are above the NFL and shouldn't have to share the local revenue which is generated by the stadiums they own. The money brought in by luxury boxes should be able to stay in their pockets instead of shared by teams w/o these ammenities such as Green Bay or Jacksonville. Don't blame all the owners as many of them want this to get done. Blame Snyder, Kraft and Jones...they are holding this up and have been since the begining. BTW think of what teams would benifit the most w/o a cap it's no coincidence.
I don't see how Kraft is evil. In order to keep his franchise in Massachusetts, he had to pay for his own stadium. Not many owners need to do that. Most other stadiums are funded by their states, and the fans. This costs a lot of money, so he incurs a debt. To pay off this debt he tries to generate other sources of revenue. Luxury boxes help pay off this debt. Now the other owners (who don't have to pay for their own stadium) want this extra revenue, but they don't want any part of the debt. I think anyone in Kraft's situation would feel the same way, and do the same thing.
I have to agree with you. If this is about sharing money made off something you built with your own cash, then it's flat out wrong. If you drive a company car, and your boss asks you for the keys, you hand them over. If you drive your own car to work, and the boss asks for your keys, you tell him to kiss your ass.
As I understand the stalemate is cause the "big" city teams Dal, Den, us, Wash to name a few do not wish to share certain revenues with the small market teams like Jax Car, to name a couple