Morning Practice Report.

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Jtuds, Aug 3, 2006.

  1. Jtuds

    Jtuds Active Member

    Dec 5, 2004
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    Credit: KRL

    General Notes:

    - Practice on the second field, players in shells & shorts

    - Tons of hydration breaks

    - The sound system was pumping music again. It may be a permanent
    part of practice from now on

    - No Chase & Tackle drill, Combine drills did take place

    - Kendall practiced but Coleman, Barrett, Pouha, Ridgeway & Pociask did
    not. I said it before and I'll say it again Coleman better get back on the
    field or he will be riding the bench

    - Alot of situation work today. Such as a 40 second no timeout drill which
    simulated the end of the first half. And a down by 6 with one timeout drill
    which simulated the end of the game

    - The QB & 2 WR's vs 2 CB's & 1 S drill was back

    - Practice ran 2 hours and 10 minutes, Mangini is starting to become Mr.

    Player Notes:

    - Wise was schooling Mangold on line calls. Wanting him to rely less on
    Kendall. Also it seems like the O-line will flow between zone & man on man

    - The main QB's were Ramsey & Bollinger with a sprinkle of Clemens. Ramsey
    ran with the first stringers. In my opinion it was Mangini saying Chad's in
    the lead the rest of you QB's need to show me something. Chad got no

    - Ramsey was better than last night, more completions better offensive

    - Its sad watching Bollinger he's too erratic, too quick to run and he
    still is having passes knocked down at the line. It got so bad that
    B. Schott ripped him saying "get me another QB in there" in came Clemens
    and he threw a TD to Moa

    - Next year there will be a real QB competition because Clemens can
    play. With the music blasting he has such poise & presence for a rookie.
    He gets the team in and out of the huddle quickly makes sure everyone
    is lined up properly makes audible calls and still gets the play off with
    5 seconds left on the play clock. He made a sweet 35 yd TD to B. Smith
    off of an audible

    - B. Schott installed some reverse option passes for Brad Smith today.
    Smith even got Bollinger a completion by making a fantastic catch on
    a sideline pattern going out of bounds

    - Rhodes could be a star in the making. He has such tremendous range
    covering half the field and knocking down passes you don't think he
    has a chance on

    - We won't be wasting TO's anymore. During one drill Mangini ripped the
    whole offense for calling too many TO's. He said "how many timeouts do
    you think we have" they all had to run a lap

    - I saw another nuance in the 3-4 this one in the defensive backfield.
    Sometimes the safeties line up as corners and the corners line up as
    safeties. Then as the ball is about to be snapped they switch back to
    their normal positions. Its very confusing, it also tells me you better have
    a high football IQ to play in this scheme
    #1 Jtuds, Aug 3, 2006
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2006
  2. Carpetbagger

    Carpetbagger Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    thanks for the report!!
  3. Ten

    Ten Active Member

    Jun 6, 2004
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    KRL's notes have been great,i may have to sign up to Jet$in$ider and thank him personally.
  4. AMJets

    AMJets Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2003
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    Another great report for Kerry Rhodes. He could be a real good one.
  5. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    This is a great report. Thank you very much. I love the part about Clemens coming in and scoring a TD to Moa. Brad Smith is going to make the team despite all the WR's we have. Sorry to hear about Bolly struggling... he was doing okay up until now. Ramsey's fighting for the #2 QB position and I think you're right about Mangini's mind being made up already on Chad. He may not be 100% physically, but he's the best choice given his intelligence, knowledge of the playbook and experience with the team.

    2 hours and 10 minutes only? We're slacking off now are we?
  6. The Green Dude

    The Green Dude 2008 Best Avatar Award Winner

    Jun 3, 2004
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    good read man... thanks for that
  7. Hofstra Jet

    Hofstra Jet Active Member

    Aug 11, 2003
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    i remember last season when i was in the rec center playin basketball with kerry rhodes.. and he was all over the place throwing down some dunks and what not.. and he was also the nicest guy.. im really glad to see him doing well, he was a hawk last year, i hope this year he is even better
  8. 1028

    1028 Active Member

    Jan 17, 2005
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    I was there. Some quick observations...

    - Bollinger was indeed too erratic, and like the article says, way too quick to run. By my count, he threw at least as many incompletions as he did completions

    - Brad Smith made a sweeeet diving catch near the sideline off a 35/40 yard pass from Clemens. I am not sure who the corner he beat was, but I believe it was Dyson. It really was an amazing catch though

    - Rhodes looked solid and knew his place on the field. He was around the ball on most plays his direction, deflecting one pass and almost stripping the ball on another

    - The person responsible for the tunes there has one of the worst tastes in music of anybody Ive ever known. It made me want to stick an icepick into my ears with the crap they were playing. They did, however, play "Welcome to the Jungle" yesterday, which was kinda cool, and definitely a welcome break from the rest of the junk they had been playing up until that point. I dont know why I bothered typing this

    - The offense didnt really get to establish much of a running game. The defense was quick to plug all the holes

    - We're starting to see alotta shotgun plays

    - Clemens really holds a commanding presence within the huddle and barks orders left and right. He really takes charge in the huddle and is just a very energetic player on the field. And he hustles his ass on and off the field

    - As I mentioned in another thread, Pouha wasnt practicing, but I saw him walking near the fence after practice. He had a slight limp, but didnt look all that bad. Still, Ill wait to see what happens...

    - Jolley made some nice catches and managed to pick up chunks of yards after the catch. We will have to see if his play carries over to the season, however

    - Eric Smith...Im rooting for this guy to win the battle at SS. He practiced with the first team, I believe, and while he didnt really stand out on any particular play, he didnt do anything to hurt the team either. He looked like he knew his responsibilites on the field

    Nothing new here, but I still thought Id type it out
  9. baamf

    baamf Active Member

    Apr 5, 2004
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    Nice, I'm looking forward to watching the Smith boys (Brad and Eric) in the preseason games. Thanks......
  10. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Great report, 1028. Enjoyed your company the other day and say hello to Kurt for me.

    Clemens has really impressed me too. Not sure I'm ready to throw him to the wolves this year, especially since I think we don't get very far anyway, but I can't wait for camp next year because this kid is going to be getting ready to take over the team!
  11. ThunderbirdJet

    ThunderbirdJet New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    Nice report, 1028! Hey, what the heck does that screen name mean, anyways!?! I'm fresh outta hamburgers.... where did you graze today? J/K, I too enjoyed hangin with you the other day.

    Brad Smith is going to be a player in the NFL, Clemens too. Rhodes.... well, compared to last year, when he looked good, is really tearing it up in this TC. This kid looks like .... I won't say it.... don'twanna put a jinx on him, but he has been a beast.
  12. jetsrule128

    jetsrule128 Banned

    Aug 2, 2005
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    was there for the last 20 min ramsey and bollinger did not look that great

    mangold was the last one out there today so it was good to see
  13. GreenMachine


    Sep 9, 2003
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  14. ButtleMan

    ButtleMan New Member

    Sep 9, 2004
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    Were you yelling at Mangold to come over and give you an autograph or did you stalk him back to the locker room?
  15. 1028

    1028 Active Member

    Jan 17, 2005
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    Tuesday definitely was a blast, Im looking forward to the next time we do this. No burgers unfortunately, we snacked at KFC today. Filled up the tank for the most part, but Im getting ready for my milk gallon chug later today :up:

    Clemens is really impressing me. And I dont mean his play on the field. Hes a rookie and Im not really expecting much from his game. But its his demeanor that really has me looking at him twice. So much energy and passion for the game. When Schottenheimer asked for another quarterback, Clemens not only was the FIRST to volunteer, but he SPRINTED towards the huddle. IN the huddle, he barks out shifts and audibles as if he were freakin Peyton Manning, no joke. On one instance, he was on the field, and was having trouble communicating with the sideline coach. Most players would just have jogged over, but Clemens was flat out sprinting! When he finally realized the call, he cut back on a dime, and started sprinting in the other direction, as if he were in the middle of a pro agility or something! And hes a playful guy, hes always jibbing around with the other players on the sideline when hes not in on the action. Maybe Im impressed by little things, but he has a great attitude, he really does, ESPECIALLY for a rookie
    #15 1028, Aug 3, 2006
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2006
  16. Jtuds

    Jtuds Active Member

    Dec 5, 2004
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    I swear that one wasn't me but but I see that other people have gotten th same idea. Funny though that over at that "other site" KRL seems to be the only one going to practices....

    I don't know about the rest of you guys but I much prefer reading reports from fans and not reporters...
  17. impevan

    impevan Banned

    Mar 11, 2004
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    I was there also, thanks for the great report. I just wanted to add a few things...
    - I absolutely disagree with your assessment of Ramsey. He was completely out of sorts in the "down by 6 with 50 seconds drill", and was responsible for I believe 2 timeouts. He looks confused, and overthrew at least 2 wide open players. His completions were mainly to RB's out of the backfield. Bollinger was worse, no doubt, but Ramsey to me looked so bad, that it would not surprise me if they cut him, and brought in somebody totally new later on.
    - Clemens on the other hand was VERY impressive. For a short QB (he's the same size as Bollinger, but slightly more built), he handles himself well in the pocket. But is strength right now is presence and poise. He commands the huddle and had NO trouble handling the "pressure situation" drills.
    - Chad looked very fluid in his throwing motion, on the sideline, and in the few drills he was in. His arm motion is completely more comfortable looking than last year.
    - Brad Smith, wow. I admittedly don't know all the nuances of being an NFL WR, but he looks very comfortable. And as already mentioned he made a REEdiculous catch on a what appeared to be an overthrown ball that the CB appeared to almost give up on. He will be our Randle-El, wait and see.
    - A lot of Tim Dwight, who looks very spry and youthful.
    - Ed Blanton at 6'9" 330, is one of the biggest human beings I've ever seen.
    - I don't know if this is a big deal, but at the end of practice Mangold was practicing his shotgun snaps, and was struggling mightily (everything going wide right).
    - Lastly, Nugent kicked like a 55 yard field goal on the turf, dead solid perfect, to start practice off.
  18. Jtuds

    Jtuds Active Member

    Dec 5, 2004
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    Clemens is Bollinger's height?

    The team roster says he is 6'2, the same as Ramsey, and that Brooks is 6'0
  19. baamf

    baamf Active Member

    Apr 5, 2004
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    That's interesting, did he do it much at OSU???
  20. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Clemens looks slightly taller than Bolly on the field, so I'm assuming he is.

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