So a co-worker of mine was telling me he had his 360 modded so he can play any games on it now. I have a Wii and a PS3 and would like to figure out how to do it. Is it possible to get it done on those consoles? Hard? etc.
Are you talking about a Mod Chip to play Gamecopys? It can be done on the Wii, there are some companies, that chip the console, and there are also some "how to" Youtube-Videos. I also heard, that there?s a way to play the copies on Wii without the Chip, but with a Program, you install on it, I don?t know if it?s true. For the PS3, the BlueRays are obviously the problem, since you probably won?t own a BD-writer.
OK, look at youtube, there are some Vids, that claim, that they show you how to play the Copies without a Modchip. And there are others, who claim, to show you how you chip it yourself. Or google for a company, that puts the Chip in your Wii. For the PS3, as a said, without a BD-writer, It doesn?t make sense to Chip it, and I don?t know if it?s even possible.
You can mod the wii im sure, and for the wii, you can go a step further, I'm not sure the full extent of this, but there is a "homebrew channel you can download onto an SD card and put on your Wii i think. It's supposed to come with alot of cool toys.
You can't do it on the PS3. It's not just the Blue Ray, the security hasn't been cracked and apparently it doesn't look like they're going to be able to do it anytime soon.
The PS3 is almost a machine that you cannot mod. At least yet. The 360 you can mod. There are two ways, one by mod chip, and the other is by flashing the cd drive. Flashing the drive can be very tricky. The downside to modding the 360 is that you run the risk of getting your console banned from xbox live. Some people say that it is rare, but I have a friend that had it happen. Either way, you have to stay ontop of the modding scene and keep up to date to make sure you don't get banned. Now onto the Wii. I have this baby modded, without a chip. The chip is the best way to go, only becaue it can read burned games at 6x speed. But instead, I go the HomeBrew route. This is just software minuplation that lets you play burned games, only at 3x. Also, you can play GCN burned games as well. You will need to read up on tons of info though, but it is worth it. It works really well. To top things off, I once spent weeks reading on how to mod the original xbox. I figured everything out, then when I went to do it, my xbox wouldn't turn on!!!! Talk about irony.