New format of replacing Game Announcers and Color Analyst with Eli Manning in one Zoom corner and his brother Payton in the other Zoom corner telling us what we're seeing on the main screen really sucked. No crowd noise, no players crashing into each other noise....just the game on mute while the manning brothers tried thinking of things to say. Really, Really BAAD. They did not have any kind of a personality, rhythm, or a 'flow'. Neither knew what the other was hired to say....and there was tons of uneazy dead air, if only for a few seconds over and over again. They would bring in a third person (King James was one dude) who'd occupy the middle Zoom frame. They went to a 20 yr old grainy clip of Lebron playing TE in HS. Terrible back and forth.....after the first 20 seconds, there was nothing else to go there for. They tried to make it seem like we were in the Mannings living room with the Manning bros talking about the game and anything else from their childhoods the game reminded them of, while the TV was set to mute. Big things in the game would happen like a 50 yrd TD and they just kept on talking about the time Eli fell out of a tree. If you weren't watching the game (in silence) while these bafoons were going on and on, you'd never even known an important Monday Night Football Game was on. Two Thumbs Down.
I'd like the concept if they put Peyton and Eli in the booth with a good experienced play by play guy. I can't watch a broadcast (no matter how horrible Levy and friends are but mostly Levy) without crowd noise and a typical format. This might be the segue to getting those two in the booth though. And a lot of people like it.
You do know you can watch the game on regular ESPN without those two bumpkins.... right? And this forum is dedicated to bitching about the Jets. Actual professional football talk is relegated to the B.S. Forum... seemed poorly designed, choreographed. Dim-witted, lots of uneasy silence, eli-or-Payten just trying to find something to say, which would fill the gab for 4 seconds, then silence again. I get the concept...come on over to 1 Manning Drive and watch the game with Eli and Payten Manning. Sit between them on the couch and enjoy the game! It just didn't work. Another potentially great concept killed by Zoom/
they just need to talk less. Particularly Peyton. the concept is a good one and it's all good except its hard to follow the game with all Peyton's talking. Follow the game and talk about it but dont talk straight through everything
Now you got nothing to bitch about... Peyton and Eli Manning taking break from ‘Monday Night Football’ broadcast
Good! Worse concept ever. I know different channels have been trying for YEARS to get Peyton in the booth, offering him huge jack. And THIS is what they end up with? Good god they sucked.
I recorded it and skimmed through it tonight... and I didn't think it was as bad as you say. Expect to see more of this type stuff as technology catches up with producer's wacky ideas. There were some cringey stuff and technical screwups... but hey... give ESPN credit for trying something different. As long as the regular game is available who gives a shit... but they are getting ratings... I may be a bit biased having worked in sports television for the last 23 years.
It would be easier to watch if the game was secondary. But Eagles and Cowboys fans would not like it if that was their only feed for the game. Remember years ago they tried to broadcast an NFL game with no announcers? I kind of reminded me of that in a weird way.