I personally said 2k would have to blow me away for them to gain my interest after that stinker called mlb 2k6 for the 360. So far they upgraded player visuals, batting animations, throwing animations. Take a look check out the trailer http://www.gamespot.com/xbox360/sports/majorleaguebaseball2k7/media.html
My first impression is they finally are starting to pay attention to detail and getting the little things right. The bats are no longer too long, player swings are realistic and not out of control anymore, pitchers have momentum and look less like robotic. You will notice in the juan pierre pick he has a hat underneath his helmet and glove in his back pocket just like he does in real life. N jersey physics looked to be toned down and more realistic from laster when jerseys were flying everywhere unrealistically
All we need is Cano to get a baseball game cover and the entire infield would have made an appearance on a baseball game ( yea I know not all as Yanks). If I wanted to be a smartass I could say pitcher also b/c RJ is still a Yank unfortunately:up:
Is MLB 2k6 that bad? I got it for Christmas, but my dad forgot it at his house in PA. When he gives it to me, if it's that bad as people say I'm going to bring it to Best Buy for store credit, maybe get Rainbow Six: Vegas. Is that what I should do?
2k6 for xbox was one of the worst baseball games i've ever played. I miss MVP so much. I've actually been updating the rosters the last two years but it got to be too much. I'm hoping 2k7 for xbox360 is a good game.
I returned it today, got store Credit, and got Rainbow Six Vegas. I'd say I made the right choice. :up:
Excellent choice. I havent got into the online yet but its pretty good fom my brief experiences. Here are some new screenshots featuring some Yanks. This looks to be way better than 2k6. Player models redone, animations redone. Cant wait till March 5th They have more screens n vids here http://www.gamespot.com/xbox360/sports/majorleaguebaseball2k7/index.html