Literally the one and only positive about working here. Other than the AWESOME NBA Finals coaster they gave us this year!
I'm in too- Any excuse to take off work is fine. I wonder how many will breakout in Revis for or against chants??
My guess is they know it would've been crazy on the weekend. People showing up without tix, tailgating, stuff like that.
I think the point is to give tours and see the inside- With too many people the salesmen can't really get into their pitch- Just a guess though.
I would love to go, but I have a funny feeling they are going to bug the heck out of people with PSL, It will be like going on vacation with your wife and having someone try and sell you a timeshare.....OH JOY
Didn't think of the whole "timeshare" mentality. Went a few years back in the old stadium for a free practice and it was pretty fun. Got some serious facetime with the players and got to watch Mangini timidly discipline people. I guess this won't be that same opportunity. I believe that was on a weekend too.