Mike Shanahan Studied Gators' Tebow Offense for RGIII

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by Backup QB, Oct 22, 2012.

  1. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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    Was watching the Redskins game and one of the broadcasters stated that before the season, Mike Shanahan studied the offense ran by UF with Tim Tebow and if I recall correctly, he even talked with Urban Meyer and some other coaches. He did this to find ways to correctly utilize RGIII.

    Now, before the Tebow-hater crowd chimes in I will make sure to make it clear that Tim Tebow has nothing to do with RGIII's success.

    The point is, that so many say that the offense run by Tebow has no chance of working in the NFL. The Redskins are an exciting team to watch, with a dynamic QB in RGIII. They will be really good next year as they add weapons. They got a great powerful rookie RB in Alfred Morris who compliments RGIII who is the more speedy and graceful runner. And of course RGIII has an accurate rocket arm.

    Makes me wonder what Tebow could have been with that level of support. I believe he definitely would have won ROY over Bradford if he started all games in his rookie season. In year three, I think Tebow would be within the top 7-8 NFL QBs.
  2. JaxSuzy

    JaxSuzy Banned

    May 19, 2012
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    Wow, I didn't know that, and it's pretty cool. It always pisses me off when people say that college style football won't win in the pros because the pros are bigger and faster. Stupid me - I thought a lot of those players just graduated from college and were drafted into the NFL ..... LOLOLOL! It's like nobody remembers scramblin' Fran or the excitement of seeing a QB run and pass.

    I wish Tebow had gotten that level of support; I agree that he would be doing some great work right now if he had. Feeling a bit sad after reading your post, because it's like .... it's like we all think he's never going to get a chance. Sad, really.
  3. BeastBeach

    BeastBeach Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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    No they don't. They say it won't work with Tebow running it

    Amazing how all of these teams could have had the next RG3 for a middle round draft pick but they just don't want to win bad enough I guess
  4. Bannon

    Bannon New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    You're mistaken. They said it wouldn't work, period.

    Amazing how Tebow can trigger all these things we're supposed to know about football, things that every expert knows.
  5. phaytal

    phaytal New Member

    Mar 26, 2012
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    RGIII has pinpoint accuracy, great footwork, and fantastic pocket presence. These are all things that Tebow is severely lacking. RGIII also has a far better arm, a much faster release, excellent throwing mechanics, and is quicker and more athletic than Tebow when running the football.

    Those are the reasons why RGIII is succeeding at the moment. Not because Shanahan had a conversation with Tebow's college coach. RGIII, is, simply put, a far better quarterback and athlete than Tim Tebow is.

    By the way, that conversation between Shanahan and Meyer was a few hours long, and occurred in 2009, long before Shanny was the coach of the Skins. Long before he drafted RGIII. Broadcasters are known to speak out of their ass about just about everything to both fill time and to seem far more knowledgeable than they actually are.

    #5 phaytal, Oct 22, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2012
  6. phaytal

    phaytal New Member

    Mar 26, 2012
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    It doesn't matter who is under center. You can not run a high school/college level Read or Spread Option, full time, and be successful in the NFL. Period.

    Any Option offense is reliant on the fact that a defender is going to blow their assignment. It is that simple. The Option, in any form, does not work if defenders stay home, and isolate their assignments. NFL level players are too smart, and too fast for the Option.
  7. Bannon

    Bannon New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    No one since the history of the world considers anything option a "full time" play for the NFL. It's something you mix in. Second, it is working for RGIII. So, fail on your part.

    Third, it's not "option" as much as it is incorporating plays where the run threat of the quarterback enhances the play-calling ability. You could do that without so much "option" but with the ability for the quarterback to punish the defense if they don't stay honest. The following quarterbacks are in systems that do that: RGII, Cam Newton, Russell Wilson, Mike Vick, Alex Smith.

    It works. No need to repeat your mantra that Tebow can't throw it like those quarterbacks. This is a separate discussion -- and the Tebow critics who have thrown in arguments that a running quarterback's game does not translate to the NFL are wrong.

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