I don't like to make many threads but I'm surprised this hasn't grabbed headlines or even a thread here. Mike Holmgren was on the air with Steve Somers on WFAN last night and when asked about possibly being in an advisory role with the Jets he said absolutely. I'll try to find the sound bite but I believe he has a good relationship with Woody Johnson. He said he would not want to be a head coach or general manager but would definitely be some sort of consultant. Vice President of Football Operations anyone?
Really feel like woody should just let Maccagnan do his job and let this rebuild happen the right way
I'm not necessarily advocating to completely clean house, although that's likely what hiring a VP of Football Operations would mean. We need to setup this structure the correct way from the top down. VP hires general manager and head coach that actually want to friggain work together. Coach reports to GM. GM reports to VP. This is the second straight god damn regime that's setup the complete wrong way. Anyone with logic would have seen this from the hiring a GM in Idzik and being forced to trade the best player and keep the head coach before he's even signed the fucking contract.
When you're in an advisory role, you are without actual accountability. You're a consultant, not an employee. See: Tom Moore, Jets offensive consultant, 2011 That's a far cry from VP of football operations.
Just clean fucking house man....Mac is overrated and deserves a ton of blame for this shitshow He dumped a bunch of money on overrated veterans and drafted decent at best so far He also has absolutely botched the QB position and hasn't really pulled off anything great of note Why do I want Macc and Bowles leading the rebuild? They beat up on a bunch of trash teams in year 1 and didn't even make the playoffs and now we are one of those trash teams with one of the bleakest futures out there
Hire him as Head Of Football Operations with complete control and a clean slate for ALL hires. Or don't waste his time lol.
True enough. Money talks though. The old man's gotta be pretty bored by now. It has to be pretty hard to transition from a near 365 day a year job as a head coach to sitting on your ass every day. He's had 8 years to recharge. Hire this mofo.
None of this matters if Woody continues to be the hypersensitive teenage girl that he is and starts cleaning house every two years.
Well. Do you agree we need a football operations guy? It doesn't have to be Holmgren but we need someone to run the show. Shit. I'd throw money at Parcells at this point to run the show.
You can't just replace these guys the second it doesn't turn out how it's suppose to be. If you want to succeed, you gotta give Mac at least a chance to improve the roster. He shown he at least has a pulse in terms of drafting talent and bringing in some solid UDFA's...moreso than Izdik.
We don't need a friggin advisor. We need a Presidentify of Operations who oversees Macc and whoever the next coach is going to be. Making both of them equal and reporting directly to Woody was moronic. Woody has run a terrible front office for years and it shows in the entire organization. If Woody shoots off to London and out of our hair then maybe we get someone who's in charge with a brain for a change.
Please no more name, high priced 'consultants'. How much did Woody pay that firm to come up with Idzik as their #1 GM target? How much did Woody pay Casserly-Wolfe to come up with Charlie Casserly's butt buddy from Houston to be the #1 GM target? These people are only looking for a payday and/or sneak in one of their buddies into a high NFL position. They don't have the Jets best interests in mind. This ain't rocket science. Woody should go to the league office and ask them for help, give him a list of the top candidates FROM THE TOP ORGANIZATIONS. Want a team that drafts well year in-year out, a team that's in contention year in-year out go pick someone key off the Pittsburgh Steelers tree. DUH!!! NOT ROCKET SCIENCE.
Yes, I always have. I've waited since BP for a guy to show up and run the show with a clue. I just don't see it happening. Charlie Brown Johnson has a repellant effect on smart football minds.