Michigan man dies in crash while driving and masturbating to porn on his phone BY Alfred Ng NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Updated: Tuesday, January 26, 2016, 9:39 PM A A A facebook 1244 Tweet email Share this URL dolgachov/Getty Images/iStockphoto A Michigan man was watching porn and masturbating on his phone while driving when he lost control in a fatal car crash. He should have kept his hands on the wheel. A distracted Michigan driver was killed in a car wreck he caused by watching porn and masturbating instead of watching the road, Michigan State Police told FOX 2 Detroit. Clifford Ray Jones, 58, was "beating" on Detroit’s Interstate 75 early Sunday when the skin-flick distraction on his smartphone caused him to roll out of control. Jones wasn't wearing a seatbelt and was ejected from the 1996 Toyota's sunroof. Cops found the motor-masturbator without any pants on when authorities arrived around 3:30 a.m. at the scene of the crash. Michigan State Police Lt. Mike Shaw said the porn-induced crash was one of the most bizarre things he had ever heard of. “We see people putting on makeup, we see people doing different things as far as hygiene, as far as reading books, it’s almost to the fact there’s so much technology out there a lot of people are more paying attention to what they’re doing other than driving their cars,” Shaw told CBS Detroit. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nat...s-crash-watching-porn-phone-article-1.2510561