Miami Dolphin Starks arrested after hitting officer

Discussion in 'National Football League' started by GreenMachine, May 27, 2009.

  1. GreenMachine


    Sep 9, 2003
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    MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (AP) -- Miami Dolphins defensive end Randy Starks has been charged with using his truck to hit a police officer who tried to stop the vehicle on foot.

    Miami Beach Police say the officer tried to stop the 25-year-old player when he was driving a truck packed with 13 people early Sunday in heavy traffic. They say the vehicle was meant for four people.

    Police say Starks kept slowly moving forward even as the officer was beside the truck. They say Starks swerved the vehicle slightly, hitting the officer in the chest and pinning him against another vehicle.

    The officer wasn't injured, but Starks was charged with aggravated battery.

    Starks remained in a Miami jail Sunday afternoon. A message left at his agent's office was not immediately returned.
  2. bigalxc

    bigalxc Active Member

    May 11, 2004
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    what an idiot
  3. bryan012

    bryan012 New Member

    Sep 14, 2002
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    what an idiot
  4. NYCBillsFan

    NYCBillsFan Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2008
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    Maybe the BILLS should try and trade for him? Seems par for the course to have problem players this offseason.....
  5. xeticus

    xeticus Member

    Mar 25, 2009
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    There's more to it than that. It was urban beach weekend and everyone was partying in south beach. The cops tend to be a bit overzealous about pulling over young black guys during that time.

    The reporters down here are smelling a rat. He easily could be guilty but I'm not going to indict the guy yet.
  6. Hemi

    Hemi Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    and there you have it, the race card. Nothing to do with 13 people in a vehicle.
  7. Miamipuck

    Miamipuck New Member

    Sep 3, 2006
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    LOL the reporters smelling a rat? You mean Starks lawyer calling and telling them how it was racial profiling. What he did was fucking retarded, black/white/green/yellow or fucking plaid.

    The reporters here in Miami couldn't smell shit if someone gave them a Cleveland Steamer.
  8. GreenMachine


    Sep 9, 2003
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    Yea...they were obviously profiling Mexicans.
  9. Harpua

    Harpua Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2007
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    Obviously they were after clowns. While Mexicans can pack a lot of peopel into one car, they have nothing on how many clowns fit into one.

    This is obivously just another clown hunt by Maimi ploice who are famous for running down and arresting clowns just because they are different. It has nothing to do with the guy hitting the fucking cop with a car.
  10. xeticus

    xeticus Member

    Mar 25, 2009
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    Well you're right about the reporters. But still the other side says he was in a huge freightliner truck with 9 people in it. It was bumper to bumper traffic going 2-3 miles an hour. One of the 9 passengers was a chicago policewoman who says she was horribly distressed by the arresting cops behavior. I'm saying the matter isn't as ahem black and white as the arresting cop is making out. :) I sincerely doubt he'll serve jail time. 9 people disputing the word of a cop may not carry a lot of a weight. But if it's cop vs cop I doubt the prosecution will be able to make much out of it.
  11. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    I highly doubt there's more to it than that. He had 13 people in a 4 person vehicle. You think he was pulled over because he's black? LOL... whatever you say Dolfan.
  12. Miamipuck

    Miamipuck New Member

    Sep 3, 2006
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    Come on. That cop has to explain to her superiors what went on. It's not like she can ignore it and hope her name doesn't come up on the blotter.

    She can say yeah the meathead almost hit the guy and then she is fucked because of guilt by association. ......... or she can go the route of the cop was on ludes.

    In this environment most people are going to protect their ass anyway they can, cops included.

    BTW this really is a non event as there were over 400 other arrests that weekend. Still it was yet another use of poor judgment by an NFL player.
  13. xeticus

    xeticus Member

    Mar 25, 2009
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    Did the guy make a mistake? yeah. had too many people partying in his truck. But I'd really like to see some proof of him trying to run the officer over. If it was proved that he did that then lock his ass up. But I think it's more likely the cop was pissed and throwing the book at the guy.

    With a friendly cop backing him up I still say there's no way this kid sees the slammer. But hey if I'm wrong i'm wrong.
  14. Miamipuck

    Miamipuck New Member

    Sep 3, 2006
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    You and I both know what really happened was somewhere in the middle. The cop was banging on the window, the idiots inside ignored him, he got clipped by a side view mirror that that barely gave him a little scratch ................. presto the cop got pinned and a mole hill is now a mountain. They should have taken the ticket and went on their merry way.
  15. GreenMachine


    Sep 9, 2003
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    Truck? It was an 18-wheeler cab..
  16. xeticus

    xeticus Member

    Mar 25, 2009
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    I agree with you there that what happened was somewhere in the middle. Like I said earlier the cop probably got pissed and threw the book at him. However if this guy wasn't an nfl player with lots of money he'd have no choice but to take what the cops dish out. He'd be forced to eat whatever the cop decided he had done wrong.

    Yeah the guys lawyer said the reason he didn't pull over for the cop originally was that the cab was so high up he really couldn't see or hear him.

    Here's a link that shows a picture of the truck. It's halfway down the page.

    If there were 9 people in that behometh like the lawyer says I don't see the problem. I think as Randy Starks has the money to fight this, a policewoman on his side disputing the other cop and considering when it happened I'm sure the charges will either got dropped or he'll get a slap on the wrist.
  17. Hemi

    Hemi Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    Jeez you just keep defending this guy like he is totally innocent. "I don't see the problem"? If you or any of us were riding around with a girl in our lap and bunch of other people in a tractor like that (which by the way has TWO seats), do you see that as safe? And as a cop are you not warrented to pull the vehicle over? God forbid the guy gets in an accident, with only two seats and a bed in the back, do you think everyone is secure? Come on man. I agree with the previous poster that the incident probably wouldn't have amounted to much if the dude just took his ticket and rolled as it could have been difused. But sounds like he just kept it rolling till the cop got frustrated. I understand you are a Dolphins fan here but to say this is all unwarranted is just silly. NFL player or not, if it was one of us we would have expected a ticket as well. He screwed up, so pay the fine and be on your way.
  18. xeticus

    xeticus Member

    Mar 25, 2009
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    I think I said in my previous post that I expect him to get off with a ticket. And I don't think it is a big deal. It's 9 people in a semi driving 2 miles an hour in bumper to bumper traffic in south beach. Not the crime of the century. And without proof (Innocent til proven guility remember?) I doubt that he deliberately tried to swerve to the side and pin the officer. As I said before in a previous post if he did try to hit the officer deliberately then that's a serious matter and his dumb ass should be locked up. But before I think a young man should be locked and possibly lose his career I want proof. And to me a cop's word isn't good enough. Corraborating witnesses or preferrably something on camera.

    Don't put this down to me being a Dolphin's fan. I have a firm sense of what i feel is right or wrong. When a month ago that houston player was pulled over and made to wait in the parking lot while his mother in law died just inside I felt that was wrong too. Not a Dolphins player, I have no stake in the game I felt it was wrong and an abuse of the badge. If the cop can verify everything went down the way he said it did then Starks goes to jail. Won't be the first Dolphins player it happened to. But if he can't provide evidence then Starks should get away with no more than a fine. And honestly that's how I see it going.
  19. GreenMachine


    Sep 9, 2003
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    Comparing rushing to see a dying women to cruising with 9 whores is disgusting.
  20. xeticus

    xeticus Member

    Mar 25, 2009
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    I'm glad I didn't do it then. I was talking about the behavior of the officers. It's unfortunate that you can't always take an officer at his word. That's just the way it is.

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