Is it just me, or is running the 40 and the bench press harder then it should be? The fastest 40 I ran was a 4.61 and the most reps I got with the bench was 9. Does anyone have any tips or clues to increase these?
im aweome at bench. I got 29 with a quarterback. The 40 is generally just screwed up. You gotta keep it in rhythm and it will go into 'the zone'. With the bench, push both sticks up together and release just before the blue section, then (for xbox360) go l,r,l,r,l,r triggers fast until just before it drops to the blue section. Then push both up and repeat
yeah.....the high I have gotten on bench is around 30. It took me awhile to get it, but once you do, it's easy.
got a 4.21 forty with coles and got a 52 bench reps with anthony clement in superstar mode i got 37 with a QB once, and a 4.42 with a RB