What's up friends. I'm just trying to help those who are interested. Here's the store's details: Fun 'n Games 239 Wanaque Ave, Pompton Lakes, NJ They're selling Madden 2010 for XBOX360 (I think other systems too, but am not sure). $65 cash only. If you don't believe me, my gamer profile is Dislocater5150 Enjoy!
nice job of ratting out your local store the reason its $65 is b/c they cant sell it yet or they get fined. thats why its cash only no credit cards. they had it out around here since monday
Ha, I definately dont want to 'rat them out' but clearly they're not too afraid. I say this because I actually called them and they said that they're selling it. Plus they have a sign in front of the store advertising the fact that they're selling it. It makes me wonder if there is anybody 'policing' the early selling of the games. Who would do that? EA?
I bought the game yesterday from an independant store. I like how you can choose any uniform online, the game looks extremly nice. The clock runs super fast. I don't like the animation when your trying to make a diving tackle
actually EA does "police" it. I have a 60 gig launch PS3 and it had the YLOD (yellow light of death). basically i found this place called "Play N Trade" and theyre a newer company competing with Game Stop and such. I picked up my PS3 repaired and good to go so i told the guy i wanted to just pay for Madden all now instead of a simple 5 dollar deposit. the guy told me he let people pay in full for it just in advance, not actually giving them their copy till midnight. and he then later recieved phone calls from EA trying to bust his balls and accuse him of breaking the law, they get fined thousands if they get caught. he had to tell them to refer to the UPS number, EA stocking number and shit cause he hadnt even recived his shipment of games yet. basically its an EA-Game Stop handjob. you either have to know someone at a store of find an obscure place.
Game is very good. The slower game speed feels more 'real'. It allows you to read the d-line and find your hole in the running game, and see the DB assignments in the passing game. I usually don't play with the Jets, but I find them to be VERY good this year. When I control Ellis, I get some serious penetration regularly. This year, when controlling the d-linemen, you need to use the right stick to have them make 'swim' moves, spin moves, etc... Sanchez is very good as is Thomas Jones. Stay thirsty my friends! Dislocater5150 if you want to play me!!