I personally don't like it but I know that in a game with 5 min quarters, it makes sense. Apparently EA are goign to be updating with a fix that will make quarters 7 mins. I don't think this is the answer. I say leave the quarters at 5 mins and just make the clock run less seconds off the playclock. Make it like a 7 second run-off instead of freakin' 15!
You can turn this off. It's really not that complicated. When you invite someone for an unranked game, it's probably the 4th or 5th option/selection from the bottom. I've already turned it off for all my online games and my Franchise mode. I don't know what the big deal is.
the big deal is, hardly anyone plays unranked games. Not going to be a problem when the league is created.
I just don't like it in ranked games when I want to use some hot routes and send people in motion before a play...it only gives me like 11 seconds to do all that I want to do. I like it when I don't make any changes though. It's a good idea...just needs a little more work.
Oh that blows Frankenstein dick. I like to set my guys on motion to make my reads. This is gonna suck big time for me.
Dude I pretty much lost because of it to a guy who I know that was losing 22-0 to the Browns in the first quarter of his franchise game.....and he beat me by a TD ebcause evry time I tried to audible or hot route, I would get a delay of game since I dont really know the playbook yet.
If you're an Elite player (your gamertag shows in GOLD) you can play 10 min qtrs with the accelarated clock on
The online accelerated clock is horrible. I've played about 4 games online and in 2 of them I kicked off and never touched the ball in the 1st quarter. The game moves quicker but it's almost too quick. Last year was too long. There's really no middle ground. Hopefully EA find a good compromise.
And thats why they have it on in the first place. I have played some serious madden gamers and the top ones will audible like 4 times to try to find what defense you are lining up in. I see why they did it....but you are in some trouble if you aren't quick enough picking your own plays on O.
Yeah, but the drives that last the entire quarter are a bit crazy. I've had drives that last more then a quarter. What sucks about them too is that your entire offense gets totally gassed and you have to burn a time out or else you're going to get sacked or fumble. There's a few flaws that they have to fix.