Loutish Fans Disgrace the NFL - NYJ reference

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by klecko73, Oct 16, 2007.

  1. klecko73

    klecko73 Guest

    The team may be bad, but that doesn't mean we have to act that way also.

  2. petekendall

    petekendall New Member

    Aug 27, 2007
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    stupid article....i actually would like a more european feel to the games were people are defacationg in bags and throwing them on the field..or just plain utter chaos and violence...us football games are to say the least very tame...
  3. slimmjim45

    slimmjim45 New Member

    Nov 15, 2006
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    enough.. jets fans are great fans. ever since this booing chad thing happend im hearing way to much about this. im sure there are stories like this in every stadium
  4. tcrock

    tcrock Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2003
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    for better or for worse.........not sure where I stand on it anymore, football games are not family friendly experiences.....

    Honestly I'd like to be able to take my son to games when he's old enough, but probably won't....too many drunks, fights, thrown objects etc....it's fine when i'm with my buddies, but i'd be pissed if I had a kid/wife/girlfriend there
  5. vinsjets

    vinsjets Active Member

    Sep 9, 2003
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    Just like I wont go to any Dolphin game at pro player since i was attacked when i was 13.
  6. Green Guy

    Green Guy New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Smart Article, stupid response...

    ...because European fans are worse, that justifies behaviour of American Football Fans? Ridiculous!

    ...I've been saying the same thing for years. I can't bring my 7 year old nephew to a game, and I started going at 7. When you politely ask someone to watch their language, they say "F-YOU!"

    It shouldn't be about getting drunk, should it? It should be about football. I had a conversation with a friend at a kids' birthday party, and we agreed we don't like to attend NFL games in person anymore. Who wants to go somewhere and risk having drunks throw things at you or attack you - verbally assault you and your sensibilities -? It's gone nuts...

  7. Green Guy

    Green Guy New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    tcrock, that's the problem - it shouldn't be fine if you are with your buddies. You should help raise the standards and you can...
  8. Beamen

    Beamen New Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Who cares? Compared to soccer fans in every other country, fans here are mild.... They're just drunks.... If Jet fans wer ein a different country, we'd be considered pussies....

    If the atmosphere at the game isn't right for your kid or girlfriend don't bring them... Simple as that.... I go to 6-8 Jet games a year, and have never brought a girlfriend... I know I won;t have fun trying to protect her the whole time....

    if you can't handle it, stay home
  9. tcrock

    tcrock Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2003
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    yeah that's quite a noble thought......but not something I would ever do because then I'd be the object of thrown objects, profanity etc...

    I help raise the standards by not behaving in that manner......but I'll be damned if I'm gonna tell someone else how they should enjoy a game....not my place

    like I've said in other threads, I don't like people telling me when i should stand and cheer or anyone telling me how to watch a game.......and I won't do it to anyone else either
  10. tcrock

    tcrock Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2003
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    that's a pretty close minded response, but typical of most fans....and one of the reasons I posted what I did to green guy.... see greenguy, this is the mentality your dealing with, which is why trying to tell people how to act is a recipe for disaster
  11. Green Guy

    Green Guy New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    that's all I meant Tcrock - you behave in a manner that brings respect and shows respect...no one would ever suggest putting yourself in danger by confronting other (drunken) fans.

    However, someone does need to tell these guys - and enforce not only laws but civility at a football game. You think Rudy Guiliana would? I do...

    Who cares Beamen? I care - because I should be able to attend a sporting event in NY or NJ and not feel threatened or have my family feel threatened by boorish behaviour. It's not SIMPLE AS THAT!

    If you can't behave properly, stay home!
  12. Beamen

    Beamen New Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Why? One person isn't going to stop the behavior of 70K others.... So the way I see it, I go, I watch the game, cheer on my team, and if the people around me are jackasses, I deal with it.... And I don't bring people who can't....

    Nothing's going to change, so instead of complaining about it, I've learned to deal with it
  13. tcrock

    tcrock Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2003
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    Yeah I think we're on the same page....

    there's one guy in my section who brings his son, must be about 8 or 9....I give the guy credit, because he knows his son can handle it.....but it must be awkward explaining to him the "....... takes it in the ass" chant that goes up in my section every 2 minutes
  14. tcrock

    tcrock Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2003
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    you're missing the point a little..... the fact that you feel that people "shouldn't bring others to the game who can't handle it" is the point....because like anyone else who pays good $$ for season tixx, anyone should have the right to be able to bring whoever they want and not have to worry about it............utopia i suppose

    but I'm a realist, I know what too much alcohol, too many dudes and too much idle time does to any situation.....a football game is just that times ten thousand
  15. Beamen

    Beamen New Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    That last bit is what I mean though....

    Let's be honest here... Nothing is going to change without drastic action taken, and, even then, very little will be changed....

    So I'm not going to try and act high and mighty and stop behavior that seems inappropriate.... I'll go to the game... I'll cheer on my team, and I'll ignore anyone who's acting like a jackass....

    Sure, ideally anyone should feel safe/comfortable going to the game, but that's just not how it is.... Instead of trying to force it, and ending up having a lousy time, I've learned to deal with it....

    There's not much else you can do, so what's the point in crying about it?
  16. Green Guy

    Green Guy New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    well, don't we agree that action is needed to change it...and turning a blind eye is like ignoring reality (a la our head coach?).

    No one is crying about it - it is more like an OUTCRY for civility. The point about "crying" about it is to shed light on the blight of that type of behaviour. Ignoring it means allowing it...talking about it and discussing it means bringing attention to the problem - and hopefully joining forces with others who feel the way we do - but might be intimidated from speaking freely about it - and banding together to improve the situation.

    If we want change, it's up to us to react. If we accept that type of behaviour in public, we condone it...

  17. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    There are still laws against public intoxication. Start making some arrests and everything will get better in a hurry.
  18. Gator

    Gator Active Member

    Oct 8, 2004
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    The whole thing is a big joke. There are gigantic beer billboards at every sporting event, 10 beer commercials every hour on televised sporting events, articles and TV pieces celebrating tailgating, hundreds of beer stands...beer, beer, beer, beer.

    The only way to change it would be to charge US Open prices for tickets and make it a higher income crowd. That would do it. Generally, those type of people aren't going to drink over 10 beers by about 2:45 on a Sunday afternoon (which is when the problems usually start at 1 o'clock games)

    .....but with all the anti-psl talk here people are clearly against that.

    So no whining please when some drunk guy curses all game and spills beer on your women and children.
  19. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    Go live in Europe then...I don't want to see anyone take a shit into a bag anywhere, let alone a football game. The lives of fans should not be put into danger at a sporting event. You are just an idiot -- probably a little kid.
  20. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Beamen, I can't believe your attitude on this. In subsequent posts to this one above, you slightly change your tune after others question your attitude and take on the altered position, one that is, "I can't be a policeman and can't change it, so I just put up with it."

    You sound rather young. Your age is none of my business, true, but some day you're going to want to take your son or grandson to a game. I suspect your opinion will change substantially then.

    For now, I'm glad the NFL is taking notice of this stuff and hope with the new stadium that they crack down on rowdy fan behavior. It's not good enough to say "I can't change it so why bother?" and it's downright irresponsible to say "Who cares? You don't like it, don't go!"

    I pay damned good money every year for my tickets and I'll be damned if I'll sit by and assume that attitude. If there's anything I can do... anything at all in the future (a poll from The Jets concerning alcohol, a petition, etc.), I'm there. We should be able to take our families to the games and not have to put up with low-life, drunken, degenerate vermin who don't have a clue what quarter we're in. We go to the games to see the team and watch the game, not put up with exhibitions of public intoxication and disorderly conduct.
    #20 Section 227. Row 5, Oct 16, 2007
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2007

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