So the wife and myself are trying to come up with some stuff to do with the kids this week,,,,we were going to take them skiing but the weather is not cooperating so I need a plan B which I currently do not have ! I am trying to think of stuff to do these next few days. We can do stuff up north , we live in Rockland or we can head into Manhattan .We don't want to do Radio city, done that,,,Bway shows are pricey but I would think about it,I don't want to just take them to the movies,,,,Any suggestions ? Help needed and appreciated !!!
Fjf,,where is Jimney peak ?ps weather is going to be stupid warm and rain tomorrow,,,,do we have a shot thursday or is that rain and or snow ? PS now this is the weather thread lol
Jiminy is in mass. shouldn't be much longer than 3 hrs i think for you. I don't think we get much accumulation thursday. Can't get the right temps. still like something around the 5th though. fingers crossed.
so heres my dilemma,,,we have friends coming to stay Tuesday( tomorrow) and they leave Wednesday morning but they are back Friday nite so any trip would have to be a day trip unless we go Wednesday am and return Thursday ,,,you following this lol ? Wish it was colder we would just ski locally,,,at least they would ski I am still rehabbing and would watch from the lodge ( : ps there is also the issue of my dog, it would have to be a pet friendly place or I have to get one of our friends to do the dog thing for me while gone,,,,,,basically I think we are looking at Tues,Wednsday Thursday day trips
Am I the only one who finds it kind of creepy that : Question for those who are apart of the NoFap Movement is followed by: looking for something fun to do with the entire family this week,,ideas ?
Ralebird,,,,I guess,,,,if I had started that other thread also there might be reason for concern but don't sweat it ,,its all good
(not knowing how old they are) Get the kids up early and bring 'em into the city early to beat the crowds and then work your way back home to Rockland during the day. You mentioned skiing - do they skate? If so, take them to the Bryant Park Winter Village behind the library (42nd st./5th av). Skating's free (if you don't have to rent) and it opens 8:00 a.m. After that, there's a pretty cool train exhibit at the Bronx Botanical Gardens. Arthur Ave. is nearby and worth the stop by for some "not found in Rockland" provisions, e.g. Mike's Deli (a/k/a Arthur Ave. Food Mkt). Before hitting the Tappan Zee you could finish wearing them out at the trampoline park in Mt. Kisco (Westchester). Working on a tight budget? A $20 bill gets a family of four tickets for the Jets-Bills game Sunday. . : )
Joe,,,thanks I was looking at Bryant park last nite,,lol,,someone else mentioned the Botanical Gardens to me I have never been there ,,,trampoline park might be out but ya never know they are 12 and 16 but might be fun for me and the wife,,,thanks for the input