This Mariota debate had me thinking about this. If you get drafted, that generally means you meet the physical threshold to be an NFL QB. Besides that, what traits are most important when evaluating a QB prospect? I'm a Mariota guy because he allows me to cross all the items in my top 5 which in no particular order are: -Great feet -Compact/Quick release -Intelligence/High football IQ -Poise -Leadership I think if you bring those to the table you, at the very least, can develop into a "winning" QB given a quality coaching staff. I'm curious to know what traits other posters deem most important (e.g., arm strength, experience in a pro-style offense, speed, character, accuracy…etc.)? At the end of the day it's all about preference.
Intelligence/football IQ- obviously QBs have to know how to read defenses and understand reads and progressions. Decision making- its one thing to understand whats going on before the snap, but its another thing to execute after the snap. Understanding that taling a sack or throwing the ball away is better than risking a turnover Work ethic- more specifically in terms of watching film Poise- the ability to put mistakes behind you, and not panic in pressure situations Pocket presence- having the ability to stand tall in the pocket, and knowing when is the right time to run if needed. Good thread! Tough to come up with only 5, but i feel like these things can make up for lack of physical talents like arm strength.
Probably tied for #1 for me are the Intelligence/High football IQ and an NFL arm capable of making all the throws. We've seen QBs with cannons for arms bu low football IQ and they are not successful for long (see Cutler, Testaverde). We've also see QBs with high football IQ but who had a weaker arm (Chad). IMO neither are very satisfying. I think the ideal QB has to have both of those characteristics in about equal amounts. I consider the ability to read Ds and quick decision making as aspects part of High football IQ. I also think that poise is related to high football IQ, as it stems from confidence in knowing what you're doing. You can't really be poised if you're back there hemming and hawing trying to decide what to do. Close behind those two are leadership. If the QB can't inspire and lead his teammates, he'll just be about compiling stats, but not wins. Accuracy is key as well. We've seen how QBs with strong arms and high football IQ are undermined by poor accuracy, and even more how QBs who don't have one or both of those qualities are undermined by poor accuracy. Proper mechanics and footwork help determine accuracy. I think my 5th quality would be the Compact/Quick release. This is important in getting the ball out quickly so throws aren't late and so the rush doesn't have time to get to the QB. 1 - High football IQ & strong arm 2- Leadership 3 - Accuracy 4 - Compact/Quick release
1. Good Arm- Strength and accuracy 2. Footwork- In and out of the pocket 3. Football IQ- Ability to read defense pre snap and adjust. 4. Poise- Hang in there during pressure and go through progressions. Don't bail after 1 read. 5. Personality- Be able to handle the NY media.
1. Football IQ [going through reads, taking the knowledge learned in the film room and applying it to the field] 2. Accuracy / Anticipation [Ability to anticipate the receiver being open and making an accurate throw] 3. Quick Release [Getting the ball out quickly] 4. Fundamentals established [basic footwork, using your eyes to manipulate defenders, the little things] 5. Maturity [Goes in hand with Leadership, poise, handling criticism and adversity, DISCIPLINE] I like for my QB to have elite arm strength, not required though. Tom Brady Joe Montana didn't have the strongest arms.
Yeah there's a lot in 1 through 4 already. There are only a few QBs in the league that have those traits. Geno has 50% of #1 (arm strength) and I'm not sure what else.
1. Football IQ especially related to reading a defence 2. Accuracy (if that's too obvious then just arm strength) 3. Strong work ethic 4. Able to stick it out in the pocket 5. Able to finish strong (i.e. no red zone interceptions, capable of late game heroics)
Strong arm - able to make all the throws. Football IQ - this is a given Pocket pressence - a QB afraid to step up in the pocket won't last long Leadership - lead the guys, if he makes a mistake forget it immediately. Mechanics - another given
I only look for 2 - Academic Intelligence and Football Intelligence A guy that can learn a playbook and then apply it on the field
1. Arm Strength - You must have an average (which is strong) to better than average arm to play in today's NFL. Defenses will eat you alive if you don't. 2. Pocket awareness - You have to be able to develop a sixth sense to know where the pressure is coming from. The most successful QB's can extend a play because they know how to avoid a rush and buy a few extra seconds to keep a play alive. 3. Ability to read a defense - You could call this football IQ, but when the ball is snapped, you have to know what the defense is giving you. 4. Toughness - You have to have the ability to take a big hit, get up smiling, and run the next play. If you're injured, you ain't helping anyone. 5. Decision Making - You have to be able to recognize developing situations and react immediately.
Why is everyone so crazy about Arm Strength. Sure it´s nice to have, like Speed on a RB or WR, but everytime i start Reading a Scounting Report and the frist thing, that is mentioned is is Arm Strength, it usually means he lacks much more important Essentials, like Footwork, Pocket Presence, Release, Accuracy or Decision Making. U can go a long way without a great Arm.
The one thing any defense doesn't want to happen in a game is to get beat deep. Why? Because it means 7 points in a realtively short amount of time. Any defense worth it's salt will much prefer to force an offense to take a dozen plays to score 7 points than to give up a TD in one or two plays because the more plays, the better chance the defense has to stop the offense or get a takeaway. In today's NFL a QB has to make the defense believe he can hurt them with the deep ball (strong arm required). If not, the defense can cheat and clog up the middle of the field making it harder to have an effective offense. In addition, in the final minutes of a close game, a QB must be able to throw the out pass to the sidelines preserving time outs. This is tough to do if the QB has a weak arm and hasn't established he can hurt the defense with a deep throw. In my opinion, arm strength is the most important criteria for success in the NFL. This doesn't negate the other qualities needed, but everything else flows from arm strength.
i think they need to be a good looking guy which is why if we dont land mariota/winston I would rather have petty over grayson... graysons got raccoon eyes.
Not in today's NFL you can't. If you can't make all the throws, then the D doesn't have to worry about covering every route, and can start sitting on the rest of the routes and crowding the LOS. We've seen it happen when Chad was here.