Keep starting this beast. He's twice the full back John Conner is, cut him waste of a roster space. Clyde Gates looks to have some talent hopefully his injury isn't too bad. Also want to see more playing time from Damon Harrison next week!
Gates didn't make any plays in Miami, so what makes you think he would start now? Signing WRs that couldn't hang on with MIA and JAX is sad, I'm sorry. That's all there is to it.
He kept us in the game recovering that fumble, if the Texans recovered that they woulda scored and took us out of the game for good. Hillard should keep that starting job for sure
Clyde Gatess makes one catch and now he should start??? WOW Gates has alot of work to do befote he will ever be a starter in this league, he has potential but its to early to start him