Subject: Immediate Action Required We, the Jet fans, recognize that with two preseason games under our belt and no game planning it's too early to panic and hard to pass judgment on the performance of our players. However, it is not too early to identify a few gaping holes that are clearly NFL substandard and need to be addressed ASAP. We say this simply by the demonstrated lack of fundamental capability in our OL, punting team, and offensive blocking in general. Couple that with a weak and immature receiving core and QBs with less than average pocket presence and we are very concerned that unless fixed immediately our offense will struggle mightily negating the great efforts put forth by our very good defense. We must A) Get a RT and a RG/Back up RG to be successful. Hunter is not the answer, and Moore is no longer the beast he was. This hole is affecting the performance of the left side as well. We recognize there are no great options out there but certainly people that will at least make us competitive. By the way, next draft please make this your number one priority. B) We cannot, should not and hopefully will not go into the season with our current punter. Plenty of good ones out there C) Need a blocking TE that can also catch the ball We know we don't have the knowhow and smarts you guys do, but if we want to be a winner offensively, be it RUN or PASS, seems to us it should start and end with the OL and superb blocking, an area that we have woefully neglected. Regards
You going to send it? I'm sure it will be followed to the letter. You should try using proper grammar when sending a letter to such highly ranked individuals, though.
Feel free to fix the grammar, add a more suicidal tone for effect, and I will send it along with the millions of notes that go right into Jets spam. Oh, well, I can at least vent thanks to TGG
Why mention the QBs? Sanchez is NOT the problem. How can you and other fans NOT realize that no QB has "pocket presence" when the pass protection collapses on every pass play???????????????????????????????????????????????????
I am sure most football teams are completely clueless as to the shortcomings of the team on the field and require fan assistance in identifying the problem. Failure to fix the problem in no way equates to not knowing the problem exists.
You will get far more satisfaction if you called them saying you want ST & when you get a rep they will ask how you feel about the team & then you go for it. I did several months ago when they called me & I went for it on all 8 cylinders & like Tony the Tiger says it was great & I felt terrific after the phone call. :sad: