Anyone still think he is a good investment? I've been saying all along his weight was a problem, could turn into the next Ron Dayne. I hope the Jets stay away from him.
I posted this yesterday. 3 pounds is nothing to worry about. 253 isnt that much a drastic change either, but still, he has to be careful he dosent lose any explosiveness
I know 3-4 isn't a lot but 253? That seems a bit hefty for a RB who is supposed to carry a full load. He had Bush to take some carries and pressure off him at USC but he is going ot be expected to be the featured back in the NFL and if he can't keep his weight down who knows if he can last a whole season.
He ate the whole turkey?!? hmy: Well if he is at 253 he has to hope for a good oline wherever he goes, and try to play similar to Bettis.
3-4 is nothing, Im surprised its even mentioned in the article. 253 may seem like a little much but all athletes, especially from college onward (and especially in football), experience pretty hefty weight fluctations, especially by standards held by "normal" people (ie non-athletes). Thats why in alot of interviews, when they ask the prosepect, how much he weighs, he often gives a range. As an example take Oshiomogho Atogwe, drafted by the Rams last year. I remember last year in an interview he said he weighed "btwn 210 and 220"...and now hes listed as 203. A good portion of it is water weight. Some linemen have been known to lose as much as 20 pounds IN A SINGLE GAME!! Take myself as an example- I weighed 225 three weeks ago, now Im at 209. Ferg gained 15 pounds in a few weeks. Coles, during an interview conducted last offseason, said he weighed 180...15 pounds short of his playing weight. Polamalu was actually also at around 180 this offseason and had to gain back the 30 pounds.
I can't believe everyone is worried about weight. Look at Jerome Bettis fat ass, nothing is impossible for the portly types. Right? Plus I think he will sculpt himself into the form he is needed to be in. 4lbs..
I agree with what you say about fluctuating weight though, went from 285 to start college to 320 in the summer, back to 290, to only go to school again to get to 330, only for me to get back down to 295 again, this time I kept the weight off :up: fftopic: :lol:
I want no part of Lendale white there was an article that some of his coaches at USC said he's overweight and doesn't keep his body in shape. Also that he was immature. I don't want that type of player on the jets. BUST
I agree, doom, to an extent LW is not a speed/wiggle back, he's a northeast style power back with outstanding acceleration for such a big man ... so he can carry 235-240 and be a very effective RB ... but what he can't do, and it's a legitimate issue, is eat himself out of the league ala Ironhead Heyward {once upon a time} It's okay for an LW to PLAY BIG, for the type of RB he is that's no big deal, so long as he doesn't get TOO BIG to the point of losing his acceleration and stamina ... I would say he has to stay below 240 ... once he exceeds 245 his level of production will suffer, and if he starts exceeding 250/260 you have another Ironhead on your hands
I don't think the weight should be a matter. And he will share carries with Martin in the beginning, so he doesn't have to carry the load alone. And he is a good player, so I would like to see him as a member of the Jets
I'm going to have to disagree with Jabba here. He is not a true north south runner, and he is definitely not a pile-pushing type back. He can get some tough yards for you on occassion, but he's much better when he can get in open space where his size becomes a weapon against smaller players on the defense. He does have great acceleration and feet for a player his size, kind of like Bettis in that sense, but just does not have the sheer power in his legs to be a bruiser. I'd call him a poor man's Ronnie Brown right now, big guy who could really take to a starting role, but not as purely fast or strong; and also in need of developing his power game (like Ronnie was to a point). And him coming in at 250+ does scare me. He has to be able to control his weight himself, he can't just rely on the NFL team saying to him every week of the offseason that he has to come in extra time to get his weight down. It's a sign of maturity and really understanding that the NFL is a job, not a reward. Like Jabba said, if he's not down in the 230s, he will not be the player he was drafted to be.
We don't disagree at all, GH ... my definition of NEPB is not some Grind it out FB type ... if that's all he offers, he is not a feature RB ... so when I talk about "FEATURE GUYS" they usually fall into two categories, S/WB's and NEPB's {Speed/Wiggle Backs and Northeast Power Backs}, but both have to be highly skilled to be considered FEATURE RB's Now not all S/WB's are exactly alike, and the same is true of NEPB's ... some S/WB's have more power than others, are better at breaking tackles, may be bigger than the typical S/WB, etc ... and some NEPB's have better speed than others, a little more wiggle, or may not have the size that is ordinarily assosicated with an NEPB ... but FEATURE GUYS can usually fall into one of those two categories to some degree {the degree varies} The Feature Guys who are tough to categorize are cats like Walter Payton and Curtis Martin, even Eric Dickerson in the opposite direction ... Payton and Martin had the size you would ordinarily associate with an S/WB, but more of the skills you would associate with an NEPB ... conversely, Dickerson had the size you would ordinarily associate with an NEPB, but more of the skills you would ordinarily associate with an S/WB {the S but not the W} Jim Brown, THE G.O.A.T, I would calssify as an NEPB with enough S&W to crossover, that's why he's THE G.O.A.T ... first and formost he was an NEPB in my view, WITH SPEED, and while he didn't have the wiggle of a Sayers, Dorsett or Sanders, he had ENOUGH WIGGLE for a classic NEPB to make him special Anyhow, it's complicated, tough to put into words because no two backs are exactly the same and some crossover to some degree, but you can usually place FEATURE GUYS in one category or the other, in terms of their dominant qualities, but acknowledging they can also possess certain qualities that are generally associated with the other category In truth there should be a third category for cats like Payton and Martin ... these are FEATURE BACKS who rely more on exceptional vision, acceleration, endurance and instincts ... Payton was more of a Power Guy and Martin was more of a Slasher, both were Quick but not fast, both were agile/elusive but did not possess exceptional wiggle, and both {I believe?} are TOP 5 all-time in rushing yards ... thus both are tough to categorize So maybe a third category would be in order for cats like Payton and Martin, I don't know, maybe IAVB's {Instincts, Acceleration and Vision Backs} LOL!! Anyway, I think what you're saying is LenDale falls into that same category as well ... outstanding instincts, acceleration and vision being his dominant qualities ... and I would agree with that asessment ... if you wanna call that a third category, you can place LW in that Group ... but I like to keep it simple for the FEATURE BACKS, S/WB's and NEPB's, but knowing that can mean different things and different skills to varying degrees ... and if I stick with the two categories, I'd place LenDale in the NEPB Group Does that make any sense????? :drunk: Believe me GH, I know what I'm trying to say, I just don't know if I can put it into words? PS. Ronnie Brown? ... I'd call him an NEPB with Speed, but you can go the other way ... tough guy to categorize ... you can just as easily call him an S/WB with Power
EASY PRP ... If you're overweight, you can lose 15 Pounds in 3 Weeks without even exercising, and 20+ if you do exercise ... and you can still eat three decent meals per day All you have to do is the following ... 1. Drink tons of water ... at least 8 Glasses per day 2. Eat only packaged, canned, or jarred foods that are low calories and low in fat grams {very low and zero if possible} 3. Eat only pasta {no meat and no sauce} and/or poultry {baked, not fried ... no fried foods at all} for lunch and dinner, and fruits & veggies for dessert If you do that consistantly for 3 Weeks, assuming you are overweight, you'll drop 15 Pounds ... add exercising {push-ups & sit-ups} and/or jogging into the equation and you'll drop 20+ You lose weight VERY FAST in the beginning if you approach a diet the right way, but at some point you hit a wall and it becomes difficult just to take off a pound ... when your body reaches it's natural weight, or close, that's when you hit a wall and your body stops losing weight ... then you have to exercise to lose weight, diet alone won't do it And of course your body will put weight back on just as fast as you took it off, MAYBE FASTER, if you backslide
Nope, wasnt a diet. I didnt do any of that stuff acutally. My natural weight is somewhere around 213ish. 209 is actually less than what I normally am. Alot of those 10 pounds was water weight...I do drink 12 bottles of water a day, so thatll do it to ya. And sometimes your weight just fluctuates depending on what youve eaten . My real range is about 210-220. So one day I could be 210, next day you could see me at 217. Right now I just wanna get into the 205 range.
Interesting 1028 ... I'm not a big guy like you, so I'm really clueless about how it works for heavyweights ... I didn't even know it fluctuates to that degree ... I'm more of a middleweight and it doesn't work that way at all ... but that's really interesting, thanks for sharing that 1028