I live right next to this city ... south of it. I've never even heard a state room start like this wtf
I saw this on Facebook and it was shared from Glen Beck's site so just for shit's and giggles I clicked on it just to read the reactions of the dopes who follow his shit and of course it's a field day full of the ignorant there. I will say this and I'm not looking to turn this into a religious debate but I have my beliefs but I would never force them on someone in anyway. This guy obviously doesn't believe the same thing as me but I absolutely support his right to say it and I will take that to the grave with me.
I don't think ignorant responses on facebook have anything to do with the subject matter. It's par for the course, really. I found the video humorous.
They were all along the lines of "this why the rapture is coming" "this is what happens when you elect a Muslim as president" and "if I was in that meeting I'd have forced them to pay to God" type responses. Pure gold.