But they want to question him...Tragic news, baby is in critical condition. Wtf is goin on with this class
They say he is not a suspect and has had no contact with her since september but they want to talk to him i'm guessing for possible leads. oh and this User Actions FollowingIan RapoportVerified account@RapSheet Regarding http://espn.go.com/nfl/draft2015/story/_/id/12782074/lael-collins-sought-questioning-police-following-shooting-death-29-year-old-woman…, teams were informed that police want to question La’El Collins regarding paternal responsibility of a baby Ian Rapoport @RapSheet 23m23 minutes ago The baby survived the murder of its mom & police want to talk to Collins. Teams were told he’s not a suspect, hasn’t had contact since Sept.
Just because the kid is being asked for any information in relation to this crime doesn't make him guilty of anything. I love people and the way they perceive the media. Lol
If the cops were sure he had nothing to do with it, they would have kept it quiet. The fact that they publicly named him brings negative attention for a cop purpose. Something is going to come out--maybe domestic abuse.
Really sucks for him if he really had nothing to do with this. If all they wanted was some questions hoping to find a lead he should be okay but that's not guaranteed especially with what just happened in the NFL and it being so close to the draft.
I know you get off on these things but I just meant the bad press for Collins could be good news for us. Find someone else to troll.
I know the saying is "there is no such thing as bad press" but with a day or two until the draft there is no such thing as good press.
7 years on this board and never been accused of trolling. But way to deflect from a truly tasteless comment
Adam Schefter @AdamSchefter 9m9 minutes ago La'el Collins one of 27 prospects scheduled to attend draft; he decided more important to try to prove his innocence than walk across stage.
In addition to leaving Chicago, the following was published by PFT: In a story published Tuesday, Collins’ lawyer, Jim Boren, told ESPN that he has “tried to rule [Collins] out as a suspect” and has hired a private investigative firm to aid in the efforts of establishing where he was when the crime occurred. Said Boren, according to ESPN: “We have identified where La’el was the day the lady was murdered to establish he was nowhere around. We have offered to give names, witnesses who can vouch for his whereabouts that day until after the woman’s body was discovered. We believe that when [police] have verified that information, that they will rule him out as a suspect in the homicide, just as I believe he should be.” Even if he wasn't physically there it doesn't rule him out as a suspect as everyone knows. Why should his lawyer bother saying it? Not looking good for this young man.
He's trying to save his client millions in potential lost revenue. He might even be drafted highly enough to get a guaranteed deal, but that's quickly going out the window too.
The police sure have horrible timing and even worse tact. If Collins had nothing to do with this he has a good lawsuit on his hands.
I'm not sure how this is a good lawsuit nor bad timing. Someone that he is connected with has been murdered. Whether or not he was involved and no matter what high profile event he has going on in his life has no bearing on what the police are supposed to do. If any one of us were in the same situation, you think you'd be able to sue the police for calling you into questioning because people from work found out and had concerns about you?