I thought Rhodes had a good game tonight. Had that fumble recovery, layed the big hit Ochocino, and made some nice tackles in the run. We need him to play like this for the postseason because when he does it has a HUGE impact on the defense.
If he returned that kick for a TD this thread would've been made by now with 3 pages worth of replies, good game Kerry, 2 PDs and decked Ochocincho.
Yea I dont know what happened to him on that fumble. Either he's just that slow or he slipped. Either way I could care less cause were goin' to the PLAYOFFS!
I actually can't believe he TACKLED someone at this point I don't care if we trade him or if he stays... whatever is good... but props to him on getting his game up to level.
on the fumble recovery I think he thought their was a penalty he started jogging and ran to the left when no one was to his right.
...he enver got his feet under him! ran 40 yrds stumbling till he got schlacked from behind......all's good!
Ah.......Great game by Kerry but.......He stills leaves me asking for more. I mean c'mon that was an easy TD on the recovery and gets caught from behind from a OL. SHIT......Kerry Rhodes brings the spark of flash but never the fire. Still down on him for a DOWN year.