The 2nd Amendment will stand. Just like anything else though, it will be adjusted and modified to fit new 21st century social circumstances. Hunting deer with AK-47's might become a thing of the past. I'd be more afraid for Citizens United if I were a conservative. I can see the GOP stalling until after the next election.
Just what we need, another excuse for conservatives and liberals to gnash their teeth at each other in an election year. RIP Antonin Scalia, you were a unique justice in the modern age.
Id rather have Obama replace him over Hillary. Hillary scares the shit out of me. She is pure evil, Obama is at least a good guy and not a monster like she is.
Id assume it was a heart attack since he was found dead according to reports. My great grandfather went with a heart attack, came in from working on a farm, cracked open a beer to watch football and died right there in his chair this was like 50+ years ago though
I can imagine the GOP Senate stalling until after the election. If Hillary wins, we may not see another SC Justice until 2020. I just don't see Senate GOP'ers showing enough courage to go against their handlers. Especially when it comes to issues like Citizens United or Gun Control. The GOP will run the clock out on the Obama nominee and will restart the clock if Hillary is elected.
Hillary will be the next president. My main focus for the GOP is to hold Congress and extend our grip on it
I would imagine Clarence Thomas is crying his heart out. Maybe Obama can replace Scalia with Ben Carson. I think blinky would make a great SC judge IF he could stay awake and pay attention to the briefs.
Your man in Michigan isn't doing you any favors. Neither is Scott Walker. Retaining control of both houses of congress is far more important than who sits in the WH but it won't be a cakewalk for either side.
Well I've not really spoken about the whys and how's of my political leanings but this is the number 2 reason. I want conservatives picking my Supreme Court members. _
I feel like going out like this (beer/football) is much better than being bed ridden for months or hooked up to tubes for weeks. When it's your time to go, people hsould just let go and not let machines keep
I think you're right about the appointment being made after the inauguration. Obama will not nominate anybody the Senate could confirm in an election year. I'm not sure if it is possible for a retired associate justice to sit on the Supreme Court temporarily in the case of a prolonged vacancy. They often sit on the Circuit Courts of Appeals to help out but I don't think they can sit on the Supreme Court after retiring unless nominated as a recess appointment (and the Senate will not be in recess at any point until after the inauguration is my guess). Citizens United is going to go down eventually. Free speech is important but it also has limitations when the speech is harmful to society. Yelling "FIRE!" in a crowded place is one example. Using fighting words in a tense situation is another. The end of Stevens dissent in Citizens United was a pretty good statement of the obvious: