Hire your fuckin' GM FIRST Then Step BACK, shut your pie hole and let your fuckin' GM hire your HEAD COACH!!!! Sorry folks...just had to be said.....
Seattle hired Pete Carroll a week before they hired Schneider... look at them right now. KC hired Andy Reid 6 days before they hired their GM Dorsey... one of the best turnarounds ever -first team to go from no. 1 overall pick to being the last undefeated team to lose in NFL history. There is more than one way to skin a cat. I would worry more about the candidates than the timing. Especially since this time he has 2 respected GMs assisting in the hiring process.
You are citing the exceptions instead of the rule...and you know...we ARE talking about Woody here. LOL I'll give you ONE respected GM running the show...not sure what I would call Casserly...but point taken.
So if they hire Marrone the speculation is they will try to get someone he'd like to work with. If he has a positive history with a viable candidate why not.
because thats the backwards way to do it. you hire the guy who is in charge and then he makes the decision on the coach and personell. not hire the coach and find someone he likes to work with. and woody is a fucking moron. he will hire marrone and then they will both be maronne-ons.
My ONLY hesitancy in this theory is...does that supposed GM he CAN work with have any kind of real track record and can he evaluate talent...would that person be a good GM, in general? Just because a certain coach can "work" with someone does not make them a viable candidate.
After we hired Idzik all I heard about was Seattle this Seattle that...heck I fell for it enough with that crap look how it worked out for "Seattle east" lolololol
You hope the coach and GM can work together. Doesn't Marrone and the Houston guy the Jets are going to interview have a track record together. If you're going to hire him why antagonize him by bringing someone he hates onboard. The perfect scenario of hiring the GM first and let them select the coach might not work out time wise. Because you're in competition with other teams for coaches and GMs.
Practically every organization is pointing to Seattle as if they are replicating them because of their philosophy. Seattle runs the ball and plays defense so the last couple years everyone thinks they are going to be them because they want to run the ball and play defense. (as if this was a novel concept or nobody else wants to run the ball and play defense?) Buffalo was calling themselves "seattle east", Cleveland as well. We had their bean counter though, so besides having a desire to be like them we were one step closer hahaha
That's stupid. That's like hiring me for a job and then letting me have a say in who my boss is. Who in their right mind is going to pick a hard-ass that is going to fire them in two years? Plus it gives the entire relationship a sort of "you owe me vibe" to the GM.
It's the way things are done in the NFL. Supposedly Casserly and Wolf are trying to match GM and HC candidates.
Actually, no...it's not how it's done in the NFL. In fact...I've never heard of a team hiring a search firm (Idzik) and now "consultants" to pair a HC/GM. This is a new one on me. I've been associated with and/or following the NFL for over 40 years...I've NEVER heard of anything like this. The Owner hires a GM or GM/HC combination and then the GM brings in his HC if he's not a combination. The Jets are, of course, the unique ass hole in the bunch that has to do everything all different and shit. It's actually quite strange if you ask me.
Nah - it's not all that uncommon to hire them separately and have them work together. Plenty of organizations do it that way and it's probably just as successful.. percentage rate.. as the approach of the GM going at it alone. There are pros and cons to both approaches. For example, if you hire the GM and then allow him to hire the HC, hands off, then you better be dammed sure you made the right choice of GM or else you screwed yourself over twice. Plus there's a strong element of "good ole' boy" stuff going on in this league and you could just have a GM hiring his friend without executing a proper interview/unbiased search process..
This hiring committee that Casserly is on is being used by several teams in their hiring process. The HC and GM pairing I mentioned with Casserly I read somewhere.
I think I was unclear...I meant using the whole search firm/consultant thing...this is a relatively "new" thing in the NFL. It used to be team officials did the hiring/firing of GM's / HC.