I just picked up one of the new slim PS3s and a copy of Madden 10. I'm usually a pretty big gamer, but after I had to sell my 360 a few years ago I'm sure I've missed out on some good games (I think COD4 and Halo 3 were the last titles I bought before selling my 360). I've been thinking about getting Uncharted and MGS4 since they are priced about $29.99. So what are some of the PS3 titles that are a must buy?
This game is amazing, can't wait to get it... AC2 http://assassinscreed.uk.ubi.com/assassins-creed-2/ (NOT child friendly) [YOUTUBE]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TX3O1O5gLQw&feature=fvst[/YOUTUBE]
Fallout 3, definitely Uncharted. Of course all the COD games are good. And check out Resistance: Fall Of Man
MGS4: Sons of the patriots was damn good. Uncharted is a great game, then your standard sports games whichever you like.
Hated MGS4. All Call of Duty games are a must, MLB The Show is great, Madden, and Uncharted are some of the best made. Rockband is pretty cool too....
If you don't want to spend much money - SOCOM Confrontation is a pretty good shooter now that the patch has been released...and it's only 20 bucks. I'll probably just play SOCOM, Madden 10, and Fallout 3 until Modern Warfare 2 comes out.
Coming out very soon. [YOUTUBE]Ljq6MXgPiSU[/YOUTUBE] And i love LittleBigPlanet. My most played game after COD4 online is Hot Shots Golf Out of Bounds.
Hey if you want metal gear solid 4... this is by far the cheapest you will find it new. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produ...ickDeals&cm_mmc=AFC-SlickDeals-_-NA-_-NA-_-NA