CONTESTANTS 1. dwalsh - IN 2. Mantana Soss - IN 3. Exit 117 4. Jt0323 - IN 5. crazylion26 - 6. GreenMachine - IN 7. Buddwalk - IN 8. Snk16 - IN 9. Jets51 - IN 10. LilGrrlGreen - IN With only 10 entries, we will take the top 8 voted graphics to set up the regular head to head brackets. With the top 8 graphics, I will randomly select the bracketing order. The lowest 4 are knocked out and so on. I will break any ties based on the better graphic that I like. ROUND 1 ASSIGNMENT You will design a banner for the MLB All-Star Game. INFORMATION Here is a link for any information you will need: - Banner must be no bigger than 550 in width and 400 in height. - No File Size/Weight Limit. - Must include the 2006 All-Star Game Logo. - Animation NOT allowed for this round. PM ALL ENTRIES TO FITM. ALL ENTRIES DUE BY JULY 9TH AT 8PM. EXAMPLE If you have any questions or problems, post it and I'll reply.