The Voting There are 2 THREADS. Between the two threads, vote for your top 8 entries. Task The task was to make a banner promoting the MLB All-Star game that could be no bigger than 550 in width and 400 in height. It also had to include the 2006 All-Star game logo and no animation was allowed for this round. Remember VOTE FOR NO MORE THAN 8 ENTRIES BETWEEN BOTH THREADS!!! Lets clarify this a bit more. 1st - Look at both threads. 2nd - Pick your favorite 8 out of all 11 entries. 3rd - Vote for each of them.
Yes, it means SHE is automatically eliminated. Oh well, better luck next month. Royal Tee, thanks for the love. I'll be back next go around.
to bad, you did a good job on it also.. Good luck next time LilGrrlGreen But if having your size requirements be off gets you DQ'd, then shouldnt entry 5 be gone also? The requirements were 550 in width and 400 in height, and his was 400 in width and 550 in height...
BOO! dont DQ her...imo thats one of the best here...i say let it slide...would of been just as good im sure if it was the correct size
Wow! You like me! You really like me! (Oh eek! Bad Sally Fields impression ::slaps self in face: But seriously. Thank you for the props. But rules are rules. My teachers always told me I need to follow directions better...hmmm... Good luck to the rest of you! Great job guys!
Entries 5 and 6 are DQed. Entry 5 - Mixed up the dimensions. Honest mistake. But if I DQ Entry 6 because of the size limit, then I have to do the same. Sorry GM :sad: Entry 6 - Exceeded the width limit. Sorry lilgrrlgreen :sad:
Why? Was that one yours? Actually, yeah, I was serious, I mean how hard is it to spell right when turning in a final copy whether it be a paper, resume or graphic.
Nah, that's not a disqualification in my book. It's his own fault, and if more people noticed, he might be the odd man out.
HAH!! You beautiful graphics nazis!! The two highest vote-getters, and you dispatch them with a rules violation. That's fabulous!!!