*PLEASE WAIT FOR THE IMAGES TO LOAD FULLY BEFORE YOU JUDGE* The animation is slowing the loading time down. They had to redesign the front page of http://www.theganggreen.com/ Information on what they had to do: - No more than 800 pixels wide. Height is up to you. - No File Size/Weight Limit - Animation is allowed to be used ONLY on the main banner at the top of the page. - Must include TheGangGreen.com logo. - Must include all links that are currently on the front page. (The Team; Depth Chart; Season 2006; etc.) - Must include an area for a picture and top story headline. - No Flash Is allowed to be used. - Does not have to be coded or anything. Just save it as a .jpg, .gif or .png. ============================ ENTRY 1 ENTRY 2 ============================ THE VOTING: Entry 1 vs Entry 2 Choose your favorite. ============================ Good luck contestants. I'd like to thank everyone who competed in competition.
#2: I like the idea but the Banner's height is bit too big for a website and the animation is kinda shaky. Also a bit too much usage of default outer glow. I voted for #1
I personnaly like number 2 more, because i think #1 took to much from the original page, the idea was to completely redesign the Front page, and #2 did that it redesigned it, it created a new style, and it changed the way it looks at our week one opponent #1's entire right side bar, is right off the page.... While the stories are worthless the format is much the same... So in terms of the rules as i interpret them, #2 is my vote..... But regardlesss i have to say this was an amazing task and a phenomenal job by both contestants... this i think was just too big of a job for the two of them not to come away with something....