Many people say that Denver's offense last year was installed "Just for Tebow", because it is just like what he ran at University of Florida. Well, let's set the record straight... it was a bad idea and nothing like what Urban Meyer had Tebow running in college. I actually think that made the games a lot closer than they should have been, and made the passing game worse. Let's discuss...
It was a stop-gap measure to try and win games. No one thought the Broncos would even sniff the playoffs last year, so by that measure, it was a success. Had Manning not happened, the Broncos would undoubtedly have either tried to acquire a QB in the draft, perhaps Tannehill, and/or gotten a veteran to compete for the starting job. Despite Elway's "endorsement," at the end of last season, Tebow would have been thrown overboard as soon as the Broncos were eliminated from playoff contention, if not sooner.
True story. Elway would have ditched him one way or another. The offense, while tailored to help Tebow, was not a good one.
Im sorry but WTF did you expect? His own HC said Tebow would be screwed in a conventional offense and they switched what 5 games in to the season? The installed what they thought was best for Tebow and the Broncos and you also have to consider that Fox is a run / conservative offense guy to begin with and you got what you got. Run heavy, pass when necessary offensive game plans. By the way McCoy did such a great job he was being interviewed for HC jobs!!!
John Fox is not an offensive genius by any measure. McCoy may be a good offensive coordinator... I don't know... but he definitely didn't know how to use Tebow correctly. It wasn't until they were down late in the 4th quarter and threw out that ridiculous game plan that Tebow would excel. They figured, ok we're down so just spread it out and let Tebow do his magic. That is when you saw him take over in the clutch under pressure. That was the worst offensive coordination I have ever seen. McCoy should have been fired. Ironically, Tebow made McCoy look good in the 4th quarter when they actually abandoned McCoy's offense, which led to people saying, "Oh LAWD, McCoy is an offensive genius!"
Truth... Why do people keep saying Tebow stunk it up for 3 quarters then excelled in the 4th, when the offensive play calling was DRASTICALLY different once crunch time rolled around. Every game Tebow did magic in the 4th, I would expect them to come out using the offense that worked the next game... NOPE... just went right back to the ultra conservative run run run/pass/option on 3rd and long crap. So frustrating!
You realize he developed the offense mid-season because Tebow could not run a traditional offense? He did such a poor he got several HC interviews out of it. The problem with Tebow fans is they like to avoid the facts as that was one of the better OC jobs in the NFL last year.
It was a terrible offense and offensive coordination. Tebow can absolutely run one of the traditional offenses. New England runs a spread option offense with Brady. For the life of me, I can't understand why they would develop that offense mid-season. Take the Bears game for example, Tebow threw for 191 yards in the 4th quarter alone when they abandoned McCoy's dumb offense. They ran that offense because they wanted to be ultra-conservative. It DID NOT work effectively. Denver won late in the game when they abandoned that stupidity.
Your obligatory "Tebow sucks" statement for the day. I can respect your consistency. In a Tebow-less world we'd be buddies. :beer:
The OC gets no credit for making Tebow a serviceable QB? Every expert recognizes what he had to do and that he did it well but you with your limited football knowledge know better? There you again comparing one of the worst Qbs in the NFL to a future hall of famer. You just make yourself look ridiculous when you do that. Lets not forget that Tebow also has one of if not the slowest release in the NFL.
Actually, a number of experts commented on the ultra conservative and predictable playcalling from Denver. As for the point that McCoy was being sought after as a HC, what does that prove ? Do you need to see a list of guys that were supposedly good at what they do that got HC offers, and it turns out that they sucked ?
What Mike McCoy did in Denver was nothing short of amazing. He created a system in one week for an extremely skill-deficient quarterback that gave the Broncos a chance to win football games. Anyone that thinks otherwise has absolutely zero football knowledge. McCoy interviewed for 5 head coaching positions as a result of the magic he weaved with Tebow. The rest of the league was madly impressed with what he accomplished. I wouldn't expect a Tebot to understand.
Mike McCoy INTERVIEWED for jobs and he got rejected by every one of them. As for that system he created, wow a whole 4 or 5 option plays added to their existing offense. Amazing.
Riiiiiight. 4 or 5 option plays. Yep, thats what he did. By the way, Tebow is a fucking backup. Mike McCoy created a system for a fucking backup, that only two teams in the entire league had any interest in, and made him successful.
If Tebow could have led a traditional offense there would have been no reason to change it. Assuming all arguments true that Tebow's 4th quarter offense was proof of how the offense should always run, all it means is teams would have had more tape on Tebow, figured out more about it and the 1-4 record at the end of Tebow's run would have started much sooner in the season.
That basically is what he did. Hell, go listen to him or Tebow talk about the "system" last year. They both said that they added things to the play book. A number of "tebow packages" already existed in it from the previous season and they added some option plays.