Why not let Simms go down in flames? At least you know if you have a young QB with upside. What is the benefit of Vick being in the game at this point?
I'd have to agree with this...something has got to give...this is just a joke and now it's becoming a waste of electricity on my tv...let alone some poor bastard paying big money to go to the stadium.
cant bear the idea of watching the Pats/Broncos game - would kill me to see what its like to actually have a top tier QB on your team
Great job milking the clock. No way KC gets the ball back with this drive. Loving the short plays into the middle of the field and all the time needed between snaps to get the play ready.
re Vick - he has the chance of throwing it deep or doing something and gives you a better chance than Simms - sorry but its true - sure its a chance of 0.005% vs 0.002% but even so its not a crazy decision to put him back in