Here is the link:
I know it's a Tebow sub-section, but a lot of the stuff posted lately is in the main forum too. Just an observation.
Lots of posters brought up the potential fuzzing of the line between what has to go in Tebow section and what can go into the main forum. I'm not quite certain as to what can go where so to be safe, if it's got Tebow in the post, I use the Tebow subforum.
Tim Tebow could become the first quarterback ever to have 15+ touchdowns and less than 500 passing yards!
Hmmm, sure as hell seems like we are discussing football here. Why don't you run along if you don't wish to contribute ?
This too (the Tebow section) will pass. Most Tebow fans know he is the consummate team player and the die hard 'noone can be as good as people say Tebow is' Jets fans will learn it as our opponents learn it.
The main reason this sub-forum was created was to prevent the main forum from being flooded with tebow threads. He obviously generated a lot of discussion. I don't see a problem with one Tebow thread in the main forum discussing the first sight of what will likely be his biggest role for the Jets this year.
"The New York Jets' coach announced that the quarterback, usually off-limits to would-be tacklers, was "live."" Rex is the man