Jets Playoff Discussion

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Jay Bizniss, Oct 21, 2013.

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  1. TonyMaC

    TonyMaC Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2013
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    perhaps you haven't seen this:

    or how every other AFC team not in the top 5 has been playing. yes this thread still exists.if we lose next weekend it will still freaking exist and be relevant.
  2. PatsFan2003

    PatsFan2003 Member

    Sep 15, 2010
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    There's still plenty of football left to be played.
  3. pdxdrew

    pdxdrew Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2013
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    I don't know if you'd call what we do playing football.
  4. TonyMaC

    TonyMaC Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2013
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    did we just go 0-10 and I wasn't paying attention?

    post-loss boards suck, we have the memory of fuckin chicken's.
  5. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    Actually, us old timers have too long memories, apologies to Hamlisch and Streisand:

    Like the corners of my mind
    Misty water-colored memories
    Of the way we were
    Scattered pictures,
    Of the smiles we left behind
    Smiles we gave to one another
    For the way we were
    Can it be that it was all so simple then?
    Or has time re-written every line?
    If we had the chance to do it all again
    Tell me, would we? could we?
    Memries, may be beautiful and yet
    What's too painful to remember
    We simply choose to forget
    So it's the laughter
    We will remember
    Whenever we remember...
    The way we were...
    The way we were

    Too bad we haven't had a decent memory in decades.
  6. truthbtold

    truthbtold Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2008
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    Completely not true.
    Been a Jets fan since 78 so I've taken my lumps but it drives me crazy when people talk about how "bad" the Jets have been.

    The fact is, since we got out of the Dark Ages of the early-mid 90's, the Jets have been one of the most prolific playoff teams coming out if the AFC. We make the playoffs all the time compared to most teams in our conference. In fact, I bet we're in the Top 10 of the NFL in playoff appearances since that run we had in 1998. We haven't had back-to-back losing seasons since 95 & 96 ... Thats 17 years ago! Nor have we gone three years straight without a playoff appearance since 94-95-96 and we have plenty of playoff wins since that time. Things have been pretty good around here for the last 15 years.

    No we haven't won a Super Bowl ... But acting like we've had this long run of losing seasons is just ignoring the facts. No reason to think we can't make another playoff appearance this year.
  7. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    AFC East playoff appearances since 1998:

    Patriots - 11
    Jets - 7
    Fins - 5
    Bills - 2

    Other AFC Teams that have made the playoffs as often as the Jets since 1998:

    Colts - 12
    Ravens - 9
    Steelers - 8
    Broncos - 7

    That's all she wrote folks.

    The Jets are tied for the 5th most playoff appearances in the AFC since 1998. If you go just from 2001 on when Woody Johnson took control of the team from Bill Parcells they are ranked 5th, ahead of the Broncos.

    Anybody who looks back on this last decade as a time of bad memories is either very young, very stupid or has an agenda.
  8. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    Reading Brian Burke's piece (linked in Jets News on the forum main page) it occurred to me that one way to look at the Jets season is that they're a 3-7 team that had the good fortune to run into two 2-8 teams and beat both of them narrowly.

    That's one of the rational ways to describe a team that is -85 points scored but 5-5 after 10 games. We've been outscored by more than a TD a game but not dragged down into the depths by that reality because we ran into two teams having truly terrible seasons.
  9. hornblower

    hornblower Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2010
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    Jets, Jets

    Young team on the rise. Year one of a new program. If an old guy like me can watch it grow so can you young guys. Another draft or two and they will be quite a good team. Enjoy the season.
  10. Kentucky Jet

    Kentucky Jet Active Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I agree with you. We are where we are IMO because of REX. he has created a team of pluggers who usually fight to the last whistle. We are 5 and 5 and yet some of the DOOM and GLOOM crowd attacks Rex and the QB. We have little offensive talent! We have rookies playing at QB, FB, LG, CB,DE. our OL has not been playing together long and the defense has 7 new players. Yet we are 5 and 5 with a shot at the playoffs. The Doom and Bloom Brigade then yells after every loss- FIRE REX; CUT GENO, PLAY SIMMS; Cro sucks; do not resign Holmes etc. Then when we win they get suddenly onboard by saying EXTEND REX! Geno has talent; Cro has been hurt; Holmes is a excellent receiver and can go get the ball.

    Ah the life of a Jets fan. rotflmao at the Negative Nannies as well as Doom and Gloom Brigade.
  11. FJF

    FJF 2018 MVP Joe Namath Award Winner

    Feb 29, 2008
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    i think that point of view discounts 2 wins to bad teams without giving credit to 2 wins against good teams. the truth is this is a young team littered with 1st and 2nd year players being asked to make big contributions. they have probably over achieved to some extent while struggling on the road. exactly where a team like this should be if the arrow is going to be pointing up.
  12. 85inthehall

    85inthehall Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2002
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    To be fair the jets are always associated with words like lucky, fortunate, snuck, backed in, above their heads, blah blahblah

    Yet teams that have wins against 1 team with a winning record - or no teams with a winning record are amazing!
    Cheifs this year are barely getting past a very weak schedule. The Broncos beat up on sub 500 poor teams and lost to the Colts. The Giants have won 4 straight against a make shift collection of emergency fill i QBs and people say well that is the schedule they have to play and they are taking advantage of it.

    When the Jets play the schedule they are given it's luck?
  13. PatsFan2003

    PatsFan2003 Member

    Sep 15, 2010
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    Amazingly enough the Jets have a good chance to get in the playoffs.
    (I rather play KC than the Jets if only because the two teams are too familiar with each other and so anything can happen)

    If I was a Jets fan I'd be excited about the defense. It's pretty good.

    The offense obviously needs work. Geno is a rookie and looks it obviously but he has the potential to get better. Imo Sanchez had peaked as a QB 3 years ago.
  14. ScarletKnightJet

    ScarletKnightJet New Member

    Mar 12, 2013
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    Pretty ridiculous considering those wins also include the Pats and the Saints. We are inconsistent, which happens on the road and with a young QB.

    But to act like it's SOS is silly when we have wins over two winning teams.
  15. PolygamyWinsChampionships

    PolygamyWinsChampionships Well-Known Member

    Sep 15, 2011
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    -85 is a staggering statistic but I don't agree with taking away wins the team earned. There were about 15 ways the Jets could have swept the Pats looking at the first meeting, but it didn't happen. They're a bipolar team who could have won as few as 3 games or as many as 6 if things went differently but they've won 5 and played the best teams the toughest while squeaking out wins against the weakest.

    The playoffs come down to this matchup and while it doesn't look great on paper the team is probably going to the dance if they pull out the win with a weak remaining schedule and faltering rivals for the 6th seed.
  16. MexicanJet

    MexicanJet Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2010
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    Young team on the rise? LOL really? The rise to where? The defense (front 7) yes, on the rise, and should only get better with age. But the secondary is AWFUL. AWFUL AWFUL AWFUL.

    And how anyone can say the offense is on "the rise" is clueless. Hill sucks, Nelson has been a decent rent, Salas, maybe I'd like to see him next season, our RB's are the best part, Tone is a bitch pussy, and our TE's are always either hurt, or not good (Winslow was fine, and Cumberland has shown promise, but eh)

    We're more than a draft or 2 away from building a good team.
  17. Axel3419

    Axel3419 Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2011
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    We have 11+ picks this year.

    Don't underestimate the 2014 Jets. Personally I don't think we will contend until 2015, but we are most certainly on the rise from last year.
  18. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    I think the -85 is real. Everybody talks about the Jets being a young team with a rookie QB but that's what you'd expect out of a young team with a rookie QB.

    The Steelers went 5-9 Bradshaw's rookie year. The Jets went 5-8-1 Namath's rookie year. The Fins went 4-10 Bob Griese's rookie year. The Colts went 5-7 Unitas rookie year.

    Only a few QB's in NFL history have come into the league and led their teams to good records. The fact that a few have done that recently is more likely an anomaly than anything else. The product of good teams solidly built allowing a rookie QB to start.
  19. PolygamyWinsChampionships

    PolygamyWinsChampionships Well-Known Member

    Sep 15, 2011
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    I assume that the biggest factors in the recent trend are advances in film study and coaching/training methods at every level combined with rule changes to protect the QB and make the passing game easier, but a couple of abnormally good results from a small sample could certainly play a signficant role in recent success stories.

    The big point differential is certainly very real especially after the last fiasco against the worst team of the 3 blowouts, and it's pretty disheartening for the teams chances for the must have game on the road this Sunday. My point is mainly that in spite of that reality the team could have easily ended up with an extra win against the Patriots if you want to start taking away a couple of hard fought wins that they actually did get, and in spite of everything they would be a big favorite to make the playoffs with an improbable win against Baltimore.

    Looking ahead it's getting pretty scary to see Geno's stats starting to most strongly resemble Sanchez's rookie year vs the other recent rookies, so I'm not exactly sure what type of finish to the season will be best for the team long term. Until things become more clear I think it's best to default to rooting for the team to go on a little run, make it to the wild card and hope Geno has a little bit of Sanchez playoff magic in him somewhere to build on. Maybe short of that the next best result is for Geno to totally implode and buy another lottery ticket in the 1st round. The worst thing is to waste away Mangold and Brick's last good years with a lot of young talent developing on a marginally competent QB who won't be able to get the job done when push comes to shove. I'd rather see the team going full steam ahead or cutting ties rather than limping ahead with him into next year.
  20. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    The playoff machine is up at ESPN.

    It is matching teams for future games based on a bunch of criteria.

    If you go by power rankings, the Jets are the 6 seed.

    If you go by win percentage the Jets are the 6 seed.

    If you go by home team wins the games the Ravens get the 6 seed at 8-8.

    If you go by offensive ranking the Jets get the 5 seed at 10-6. ????????????

    If you go by defensive ranking the Texans get the 4 seed at 8-8 (Indy apparently has a plane crash on the way to a game along the way), the Browns get the 5 seed at 10-6 and the Broncos get the 6 seed at 10-6. ???????????

    Weird year.
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